TOEFL Official Guide:Reading Test 4 Passage 3 “Lightning” の単語 <知っておくべき40語!>
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の続きです。OGのTest 4のReading、3つ目のパッセージ “Lightning” の単語を紹介します。
Official Guide, Reading Test 4のパッセージはTPO18と同じ。
lightning, brilliant, flash, electrical, discharge, storm cloud, attractive, tension, negatively, positively, rush, separation, concentration, measurement, simulation, promising, ice crystal, electrical charge, collision, updraft, wind current, diameter, populate, collapse, (the) most likely to do, destructive, represent, occurrence, channel, current, electron, initiate, surge, cloud base, stream, pointed, flagpole, subsequent, forked
neutralize, pellet
charged particle, charge separation
T | lightning | 稲光、稲妻 《lightningは空を横切る閃光(せんこう)、thunderは雷(かみなり)の音、雷鳴を指す》 = a powerful flash of light in the sky caused by electricity and usually followed by thunder |
1 | brilliant | 輝く、光り輝く、キラキラ光る = full of light, shining, or bright in color |
1 | flash | (光・炎の一瞬の)閃光、きらめき = a sudden bright light that shines for a moment and then disappears |
1 | electrical | 電気の、電気による = related to or using electricity |
1 | discharge | (電気の)放電;(液体や気体の)放出、排出 |
1 | storm cloud | 嵐雲、暗雲 = a large, dark cloud that brings rain or comes before a storm |
1 | attractive | 引力のある;人を引きつける、魅力的な = having the power to attract |
1 | tension | 電圧(電流を生じさせる電位の差)、起電力;引っ張り、張力;緊張 = electricity voltage or potential |
1 | negatively | 陰電気を帯びて; 陰性に、負に、マイナスに |
1 | charge | 〜に帯電させる;(蓄電池)に充電する = energize a battery etc. by passing a current through it in the direction opposite to discharge |
1 | particle | 粒子、素粒子;小さな粒;小片 = an extremely small piece of matter that is part of an atom, such as an electron, proton, or neutron / an extremely small piece or amount of something |
1 | charged particle | 荷電粒子 [電荷を帯び、正または負の電気をもつ粒子のこと] = any particle, especially a subatomic particle, that carries an electric charge, either positive or negative |
1 | positively | 正[陽]電気を帯びて;陽性に、正に、プラスに |
1 | rush | (空気・液体などが)勢いよく流れる、押し寄せる;急に現れる、殺到する |
1 | neutralize | 〜を中性にする;〜の効力をなくす = make electrically inert by combining equal positive and negative quantities |
1 | tremendous | (大きさ・量・程度などが)とても大きい、ものすごい、すさまじい = huge;used for emphasizing that something such as an amount, achievement, or feeling is extremely great, important, or strong |
1 | separation | 分離、別離、離脱;隔り、距離 |
2 | concentration | 集中、集結 = a large number or amount of something in the same place |
2 | measurement | 測定、計測、測量 = the act or the process of finding the size, quantity or degree of something |
2 | field | (学術・研究などの)分野、領域 = a particular subject or activity that somebody works in or is interested in |
2 | together with | ~と一緒に、〜と共に、〜が加わって |
2 | laboratory | 実験室の、実験(用)の;実験室、研究室 |
2 | simulation | シミュレーション、模擬実験 = a situation in which a particular set of conditions is created artificially in order to study or experience something that could exist in reality |
2 | imitation | 模倣、模造 = the act of copying something |
2 | promising | 見込みのある、期待できる、前途有望な = showing signs of being good or successful |
2 | pellet | 小粒、小球 = a small ball of a substance |
2 | ice crystal | 氷の結晶、氷晶 = a tiny piece of ice that has a definite geometric shape, usually hexagonal. Ice crystals form in the atmosphere when water vapor freezes, and they can be seen as snowflakes, frost, and ice pellets. |
2 | collision | 衝突、激突 = an encounter between particles (such as atoms or molecules) resulting in exchange or transformation of energy |
2 | electrical charge | 電荷 《粒子や物体が帯びている電気の量。陽子に比べて電子が多いと-、電子が少ないと+になる》 |
2 | updraft | (気体の)上昇;上昇気流 = a strong upward air current |
2 | wind current | 気流 = a flow of air |
2 | diameter | 直径 cf. radius 半径 |
2 | populate | (場所)に住む[居住する] = live in an area and form its population |
2 | base | 底部、底、土台、ふもと = the bottom part of an object, on which it rests, or the lowest part of something |
3 | charge separation | 電荷分離 《嵐雲の上部が正電荷、中央部が負電荷を帯びるなどにより大きな電荷の差が生じること》 |
3 | collapse | つぶれる、崩れる、崩壊する 《ここでは、雷雲の成長とともにプラス電荷とマイナス電荷が引き合おうとする力が強くなり、空気が電気の力に耐えきれなくなる(ときに放電し、雷が発生する)ことを意味している》 |
3 | (the) most likely to do | 〜する可能性が最も高い、最も〜しそう = probably |
3 | destructive | 破壊的な、破壊をもたらす、危害を加える = causing severe damage or harm |
3 | represent | ~に相当する、~になる、~と同等である = form or be something;constitute;amount to |
4 | occurrence | 発生、出現;出来事、事件 |
4 | channel | 経路、伝送路、ルート、道筋 |
4 | path | 軌道、進路、通り道;小道、細道 |
4 | current | 電流;流れ、流動:潮流、海流 = a flow of electricity |
4 | electron | 電子 《原子内で、原子核の周りに分布して負の電荷をもつ素粒子》 = a very small piece of matter with a negative electrical charge that moves around the nucleus (= central part) of an atom |
4 | illuminate | ~に光を当てる、〜を明るくする[照らす] |
5 | initiate | 〜を始める[開始する、起こす] = make something begin |
5 | surge | [動](電流が)瞬間的に大きく増加する;どっと押し寄せる = if a large amount of a liquid, electricity, chemical etc. surges, it moves very quickly and suddenly [名] 急上昇、急増、急に高まること |
5 | cloud base | 雲底 = the lower edge of a cloud or cloud system |
5 | stream | (水・潮・空気などの)流れ = a continuous flow of liquid, air, or gas |
5 | visible | (物が)目に見える、可視の |
5 | arise | 生じる、現れる、発生する、起こる = if something arises from or out of a situation, event etc, it is caused or started by that situation etc. |
5 | pointed | 先のとがった、鋭い = having a thin, sharp end |
5 | flagpole | 旗ざお、旗棒、旗用ポール |
5 | subsequent | 後の、その後の、次の、続いて[後に]起こる = happening or coming after something else |
6 | consist of | 〜から成り立つ、〜で構成されている、〜でできている |
6 | forked | 分岐した、二股に別れた、フォーク形の = with one end divided into two parts, like the shape of the letter ‘Y’ |