







Student visa system fraud exposed in BBC investigation


英国の内務省(Home Office)からの試験停止のリクエストを受け、TOEFL・TOEIC試験を開発・運営しているETS(Educational Testing Service)はTOEFLに関して以下の発表を行いました。

Update on TOEFL® Testing in the U.K. (2014年4月17日)

Update on TOEFL® Testing in the U.K.

Following the broadcast of a BBC Panorama program in February 2014 which highlighted an organized criminal element seeking to circumvent the U.K.’s visa-granting process, ETS has made the decision not to extend our Secure English-language Testing (SELT) license with the Home Office. As a result, TOEIC® and TOEFL iBT® testing will no longer be offered for U.K. visa-granting purposes.

We appreciate the Home Office’s recognition that while the TOEFL and TOEIC tests shared a SELT license, the fraud uncovered by the BBC program was limited to TOEIC testing. Security measures around the TOEFL test were never under question. The TOEFL test remains the most widely respected English-language test in the world recognized by more than 9,000 institutions in more than 130 countries.

Security is and always has been a top priority; however, we’ve made this decision in response to the security challenges portrayed in the BBC program. We acknowledge that we fell short of our own high standards and sincerely regret the dishonest activities of third party contractors in the U.K. whose job it was to administer the TOEIC tests honestly and fairly. When applied properly, our global security protocols prevent and detect incidents of fraud. Going forward we will continue to implement additional, stricter, best-in-class security measures for our tests, including biometric voice analyses, to ensure our test scores remain the most trustworthy in the world.

Students seeking more information on test cancellation and refund policies related to U.K. visa testing should contact TOEFL Services at toefl@ets.org.

その後、CIEEJ(国際教育交換協議会 日本代表部)は以下のように発表しています。


この決定により、英国滞在ビザを取得する目的でTOEFL iBTテストのスコアを使用することはできなくなりますので、謹んでお知らせいたします。

これは、英国国内のTOEICテスト実施会場で不正があったために、ETSがテストの正当性を確保するために英国でとった措置です。また、TOEFL iBTテストスコアは、英国の大学などの教育機関への入学(アドミッション)申請には、従来と変わらず、引き続きご利用いただけます。



TOEICとTOEFL、英ビザ申請に使えず 4月から(2014年4月25日)



TOEIC, TOEFL axed as route to U.K. visa

The fraud, uncovered by “BBC Panorama,” a BBC program, was limited to the TOEIC, but since both the TOEFL and TOEIC tests share the SELT license regime, neither test will be used in the future, ETS said.

This means Japanese planning to study in Britain will have to take lesser known tests to obtain a visa.

ETS, a nonprofit organization, enforces and manages the two tests. It said in a statement released April 17 that it decided not to renew Britain’s Secure English-Language Testing (SELT) license. The SELT license can be used to prove English ability — one of the requirements for getting a visa to enter the U.K.



留学生が英国滞在ビザを申請するためにTOEFL iBTのスコアを使用することができるなくなる


ETSが、TOEFL、TOEICを英語能力証明試験(SELT)として使用する英国の内務省(Home Office)とのライセンス契約を更新しないことにしたから。




この決定により「英国滞在ビザを取得する目的でTOEFL iBTテストのスコアを使用することはできなくなった」のは上でお伝えしましたが、

CIEEJ(国際教育交換協議会 日本代表部)は

「TOEFL iBTテストスコアは、英国の大学などの教育機関への入学(アドミッション)申請には、従来と変わらず、引き続きご利用いただけます。」




University of Cambridge, Graduate Admissions, English Language Requirement for this course:

The Home Office has suspended accepting ETS tests as evidence of English language ability. This includes the Princeton TOEFL test (Test of English as a Foreign Language), and as a result the University of Cambridge will no longer be accepting TOEFL test scores as sufficient to meet the language entry requirements for Graduate study.



University of Oxford, Admissions, Application Basics



For applicants who require a student visa

Please note that TOEFL tests undertaken in the UK only are not currently being accepted for visa applications made within the UK as proof of English language proficiency. This does not affect students who took, or who are taking, the TOEFL test overseas. Please see further details on the Visa and Immigration website.




London School of Economics and Political Science では「TOEFL受け入れのポリシーに関しては現在検討中。できるだけ早くアップデートの予定。今後、受験する人はIELTSをお勧めする。」とのことです。

London School of Economics and Political Science, Latest News on ETS TOEFL Tests

Latest news on ETS TOEFL tests

You may have seen in the news recently that ETS, the test provider of the TOEFL English language test, has decided not to extend its SELT (Secure English Language Test) licence with the Home Office. This news is particularly relevant to offer holders who will require a Tier 4 visa for their studies at LSE. We understand that this may be a time of concern for you, particularly if you have already taken, or are planning to take, a TOEFL test for entry to a graduate programme at LSE. We would like to reassure you that we are aware of the issue, and will be in touch soon with a formal policy on the acceptance of TOEFL English tests, and advice on the next steps which you should take.

In the meantime, if you hold an offer with an English language condition, and have not yet booked a test appointment, we request that you book an IELTS test (not a TOEFL test).

If you already hold TOEFL results, or have already booked a TOEFL test date, please bear with us, and we will update you as soon as possible with the necessary course of action.


Educational Testing Service (ETS) について(2014年4月25日)

内務省は、取り決め終了前のTOEIC, TOEFLの結果を受け入れますか?

現在英国で学んでいる、ETSを通して英国外で取得したTOEFL, TOEICの証明書を持っている学生は、通常どおり学業を続けられます。 ETSの語学証明を持っている申請者は、精査のため、UKVIによるインタビューを受ける必要があります。
ETSを通じてTOEFL, TOEICの証明書を取得している学生で、まだビザの申請をしていない学生は、申請前にGov.UKのウエブサイトを確認するか、情報、指示を得るために大学に連絡をしてください。


内務省とサプライヤーの契約が終了した2014年4月5日後に、TOEFL, TOEICの証明をETSから取得した方々は、UKビザの申請方法に関する情報についてを参照してください。







