5/30(土)のTOEFL iBT試験は、北海道、東京都、埼玉県、千葉県、神奈川県で実施が中止されましたが、5/30に神奈川県の会場で予約をしていた私のところに本日ETSから以下の通知メールが届きました。
TOEFL IBT® Reschedule Appointment
Dear Ryuichi Katsurayama,
Your TOEFL iBT® test appointment on May 30, 2020 has been canceled, and we are providing you with a free test to reschedule on a new date.
When rescheduling your test, you have a choice. You can take the test at a test center, or you can take the test from the comfort and safety of home with the TOEFL iBT® Special Home Edition. The Special Home Edition is available everywhere TOEFL iBT testing is normally available, except Iran.
The TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition is the same TOEFL iBT test that you would take at a test center, just taken at home and monitored online by a human proctor. Everything else is the same: • Same content, testing time (about 3 hours), and scoring • Same fast score delivery (6-10 days) • Same acceptance by universities • Scores are still valid for two years
To schedule your new test appointment, sign in to your ETS account at www.ets.org/mytoefl. View the details of your original appointment to access the free test link. On the Find Test Centers and Dates page, select the Special Home Edition or a test center, and continue your registration.
Please note that you have until May 30, 2021, to schedule your new test appointment.
Thank you for choosing the TOEFL iBT test.
TOEFL Services