Independent Writingでよくあるミス その1「Introductionが長い」
期間限定でIndependent Writingエッセイの無料添削を行い(昨日が締め切り)、多くのエッセイを提出いただきました。蓋を開けてみたら、トフレの受講生ではない方々からのエッセイが非常に多かったのは驚きでした。受講生の方々はすでにエッセイ添削を受けている、また今後受ける予定だから今回添削を受けなくてもよいと思われたのかもしれません。
受講生の方は授業でお伝えしたポイントを踏まえてエッセイを書かれることが多いのですが、受講生ではない方々からの様々な書き方のエッセイを見れたのは新鮮でした。提出いただいたエッセイから、新たな添削のサンプルのために2本ほど選ぶ予定ですが、それ以外にエッセイの書き方やWritingでよくあるミスの説明に使わせていただくこともあります。今回は、Independent Writingでありがちなミスを説明する1回目。
Directions: Read the question below. You have 30 minutes to plan, write, and revise your essay. Typically, an effective response will contain a minimum of 300 words.
Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Compared to people who live in large cities, people who live in small towns and rural areas are more satisfied with their lives.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Some people believed that people who live in large cities have a lot of opportunities to make their life plausible. In detail, people who live in urban areas might be able to do something more efficient than people who live in rural areas. Thanks to use cutting-edge urban technologies and to ask somebody to close their own problems which people take a lot of time to solve alone. For example, a large city has many restaurants which people can go and take service alone. These restaurants help people who are not good at cooking to eat delicious food without their preparation. And, they would save their time to cook food. However, I think people who live in small towns and rural areas spend their leisure time enjoying.
However, I think people who live in small towns and rural areas spend their leisure time enjoying.
Some people believed that people who live in large cities have a lot of opportunities to make their life plausible. In detail, people who live in urban areas might be able to do something more efficient than people who live in rural areas. Thanks to use cutting-edge urban technologies and to ask somebody to close their own problems which people take a lot of time to solve alone. For example, a large city has many restaurants which people can go and take service alone. These restaurants help people who are not good at cooking to eat delicious food without their preparation. And, they would save their time to cook food.
「thanks toの後に名詞が続いていない」「thanks toが使われている文に主節のSVがない」などの表現上のミスがあったり、意味理解が難しい文があるものの、一番の問題は自分が支持しない立場の方のよい点を長々と、例まで挙げて述べていること(一般的には、例示は自分の主張を裏付けるために用いられます)。結果
However, I think people who live in small towns and rural areas spend their leisure time enjoying.
I strongly believe that people who live in small towns and rural areas are more satisfied with their lives than those who live in large cities.
I agree with the statement that compared to people who live in large cities, people who live in small towns and rural areas are more satisfied with their lives.
Some people think that life in big cities is easier and more convenient than living in the countryside. However, I strongly believe that people who live in small towns and rural areas are more satisfied with their lives than those who live in large cities. In this essay, I will give two reasons to support my opinion. (57語)
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