TOEFL Official Guide:Reading Test 3 Passage 3 “Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer” の単語 <知っておくべき80語!>
Official Guide, Reading Test 3の3つ目のパッセージ “Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer” の単語を紹介します。Official Guide、Reading Test 3のパッセージはTPO3と同じもの。先日このTest 3の最初と2つ目のパッセージの単語を紹介しました。
» TOEFL Official Guide:Reading Test 3 Passage 1 “Architecture” の単語 <知っておくべき80語!>
今回は geology「地質学」のパッセージ。パッセージのタイトルにある aquifer「帯水層」は日常で出会うような表現ではありませんが、初めて見るという方はこの問題を通して覚えましょう。
aquiferは本文の中で a rock layer containing large quantities of groundwater として説明されており、もともと知っていなくてもOKと判断されているものの、このようなTOEFL本試験問題で出てくる可能性のある表現を知っていると問題全体が理解しやすくなります。
depletion, vast, grassland, settle, settlement, low-intensity, cattle, wheat, underlie [underlie, underlay, underlain], groundwater, inhabit, square kilometers, melting snow, accumulate, climatic, presently, rate, minimal, amount to, well, drought, expansion, irrigation, onward, transform, tap, device, landscape, dominate, geometric, circular, significant, grain-fed, fatten, unprecedented, finite, resource, negligible, virtually, water table, drastically, depth, in places, decline, necessitate, periodic, deepen, pump, withdrawal, critical, remaining, irrigate, inevitable, conserve, switch to, adopt, philosophy, profitable, incentive, profit, crisis, scheme, canal, pipeline, pump, uncompetitive, somewhat, promising, soil, inject, compressed air, genetic engineering, partial, strain, resistant, abundant, inexpensive, boom
aquifer, rancher, semiarid, ranching, sandstone, ensuing, recharge, replenish, in the face of, upcoming, grandiose, tenfold
T | depletion | (資源などの)枯渇、減少 = the reduction of something by a large amount so that there is not enough left / the use or consumption of a resource, especially a natural resource, faster than it is replenished |
T | Ogallala aquifer | オガララ帯水層 《アメリカ合衆国中部、the Great Plains グレートプレーンズ大草原地帯の地下に分布する浅層地下水層》 |
T | aquifer | [地学] 帯水層 《地下水で満たされた砂層等の透水性が比較的良い地層であり、一般には地下水取水の対象となり得る》 = a layer of rock, sand, or earth that contains water or allows water to pass through it |
1 | vast | 広大な、非常に広い;膨大な、莫大な = extremely large |
1 | grassland | 草原 |
1 | High Plains | [地名] ハイプレーンズ 《グレートプレーンズの一部分につけられた地名》 = The High Plains are a subregion of the Great Plains, mainly in the Western United States, but also partly in the Midwest states of Nebraska, Kansas, and South Dakota, generally encompassing the western part of the Great Plains before the region reaches the Rocky Mountains. |
1 | settle | (土地など)に移り住む[住む、定住する] |
1 | rancher | 牧場[農場]の経営者[労働者] |
1 | semiarid | (気候が)半乾燥の、降雨量の少ない = characterized by relatively low annual rainfall and having scrubby vegetation with short, coarse grasses; not completely arid |
1 | settlement | (開拓地などへの)移住、植民、入植、移民すること |
1 | low-intensity | 低強度の |
1 | cattle | (集合的に)畜牛、牛 《家畜種のウシ族の総称》 = cows and bulls kept on a farm for their meat or milk |
1 | ranching | (大規模)放牧、牧場経営 = the activity or business of operating a ranch cf. rancher 牧場[農場]の経営者[労働者] |
1 | wheat | 小麦 |
1 | underlie [underlie, underlay, underlain] | ~の下にある[横たわる] = lie or be located under or below |
1 | groundwater | 地下水 |
1 | name 〜 after | … にちなんで〜と名づける、… の名をとって〜と命名する |
1 | Ogallala Sioux Indians | オグララ・スー・インディアン 《アメリカンインディアン部族の1つであるラコタ族(またはスー族)の7つの支族のうちの1つ。バインリッジ保留地に住む。オグララは「自ら分散する」という意味》 |
1 | inhabit | (人や動物がある場所)に住む / 居住する 《liveと違い他動詞で用い、通例個人には用いず、集団に用いる》 = live in a particular place |
2 | sandstone | [地学] 砂岩 = sedimentary rock consisting of sand or quartz grains cemented together, typically red, yellow, or brown in color |
2 | formation | [地学] 層、累層 = an assemblage of rocks or series of strata having some common characteristic |
2 | square kilometers | 平方キロメートル |
2 | extend | 伸びる、広がる、わたる |
2 | melting snow | 雪解け(水)、水雪 |
2 | accumulate | 蓄積する、たまる、積もる、堆積する |
2 | estimate | (数や量などの)推量、目算;見積もり、概算 = an amount that you guess or calculate using the information available |
2 | indicate | (測定した数値など)を示す[表示する、表す] |
2 | Lake Huron | [地名] ヒューロン湖 《北米の五大湖の1つで、カナダのオンタリオ州とアメリカのミシガン州に接している》 |
2 | climatic | 気候(上)の、気候による |
2 | climatic condition | 気候条件 |
2 | presently | 現在 = at the present time; now |
2 | rate | 速度、進度、ペース、変化量 |
2 | addition | 増加した[加えられた]もの;付け足すこと、付加、追加 |
2 | minimal | 最少の、極小の、わずかな = extremely small in amount or degree, or as small as possible |
2 | amount to | 合計[総計]~になる[達する] = add up to something / make something as a total |
3 | well | 井戸 = a deep hole in the ground from which people obtain water |
3 | drill | ~に(ドリルで)穴をあける |
3 | drought | 干ばつ、日照り(続き)、渇水、水不足 |
3 | ensuing | その後の[に続く]、続いて起こる、次の = happening after a particular action or event, especially as a result of it |
3 | expansion | 拡大、拡張、発展 |
3 | irrigation | 灌漑(かんがい)、注水 《川・湖などから田畑に水を引くこと》 = supplying dry land with water by means of ditches etc. |
3 | onward | 前方へ、先へ、進んで cf. from the 1950’s onward 「1950年代からずっと」 = if something happens or exists from a particular time onward, it starts at that time and continues to happen or exist |
3 | transform | (~の性質や機能)を転換する[変換する、変える、一変させる] |
3 | tap | (すでにある資源など)を利用する = get a substance from a particular place or object / get or make use of something |
3 | device | 機器、装置、道具 |
3 | capable of doing | ~する能力がある、~(することが)できる |
3 | spray | (スプレーで液体)を噴霧する[散布する、吹きかける] |
3 | landscape | (ひと目で見渡せる陸地の)風景、景色、景観 |
3 | dominate | 〜で優位を占める;〜を支配する = to be larger and more noticeable than anything else in a place / if an object dominates a place, it is so big or high that it is easy to notice |
3 | geometric | 幾何学的な、幾何学的図形の(ような) = having or using the shapes and lines in geometry, such as circles or squares, especially when these are arranged in regular patterns |
3 | circular | 円の、円形の |
3 | significant | 大幅な、かなりの、著しい = very large or noticeable |
3 | sorghum | [植物](スイート)ソルガム、(サトウ)モロコシ 《アメリカ原産のイネ科の雑穀。食料、飼料、糖蜜などの材料として使われる》 |
3 | grain-fed | (家畜などが)穀物飼育の、穀物で飼育された[育てられた] |
3 | fatten | ~を太らせる[肥育する] = make an animal become fatter so that it is ready to eat, or become fat and ready to eat |
4 | unprecedented | 前例[先例]のない、かつてない、空前の = never having happened or existed before |
4 | finite | 限りある、有限の、限界のある |
4 | resource | [通例 複数形] (天然)資源 = things such as coal, trees, and oil that exist in nature and can be used by people |
4 | negligible | ごくわずかな、無視できるほどの、取るに足らない = too slight or unimportant to have any effect / of very little importance or size and not worth considering |
4 | recharge | 再注入、再充電、再補給、涵養(地下水系に水が吸収されること) |
4 | virtually | 実質的には、事実上、ほとんど = almost or very nearly, so that any slight difference is not important |
4 | replenish | ~を補充する[再び満たす、継ぎ足す] = make something full again by replacing what has been used |
4 | water table | 地下水面、地下水位 |
4 | drastically | 大幅に、急激に、大々的に = in a way that is severe and sudden or has very noticeable effects |
4 | encounter | ~に出合う[出くわす、遭遇する] |
4 | dig [dig-dug-dug] | (穴など)を掘る[掘って作る] |
4 | depth | (物の)深さ、深度、奥行き |
4 | in places | ところどころ(に[で]) |
4 | decline | 下降する、下がる、低下する、減る、減少する = gradually become less, worse, or lower / decrease in quantity or importance |
4 | necessitate | ~を必要する[余儀なくさせる] = cause something to be needed, or to make something necessary |
4 | periodic | 定期的な、周期的な = happening a number of times, usually at regular intervals / happening repeatedly over a period of time |
4 | deepen | 〜を(掘って)深くする;〜を深める |
4 | pump | ポンプ、揚水機;~をポンプでくみ上げる[注入する、送り込む] |
4 | estimate | (程度や数量などを大まかに)〜であると見積もる[推定する] |
4 | withdrawal | 揚水、取水;引き出すこと、回収;取り消し、撤回 = the act of moving or taking something away or back |
4 | run dry | 枯れる、干上がる、枯渇する、水がなくなる |
4 | critical | 危機的な、重大な = extremely serious or dangerous |
4 | project | ~と見積もる[予測する、推定する、予想する] |
4 | remaining | 残りの、残っている、残った |
4 | irrigate | (土地)に水を引く、(土地)を灌漑する |
4 | acreage | (エーカーで測った)土地、地所;エーカー数、面積 = an area of land measured in acres / an area of ground used for some particular purpose (such as building or farming) |
5 | inevitable | 避けられない、不可避の、必然的な = certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented |
5 | conserve | (資源などが枯渇しないように)~を節約する[浪費しない、大切に使う] = use as little water, energy etc. as possible so that it is not wasted |
5 | switch to | ~に切り替える[転換する] |
5 | adopt | (意見・方針など)を採用する[選ぶ] |
5 | philosophy | 考え方、(人生)哲学 = a belief or attitude that someone uses for dealing with life in general / a theory or attitude held by a person or organization that acts as a guiding principle for behavior |
5 | profitable | 利益になる、利益をもたらす、もうかる |
5 | high-value | 高価値の、価値の高い |
5 | incentive | (仕事などに対する)やる気、しようという気持ち:動機、刺激 |
5 | profit | 利益を得る、もうける |
5 | draw down | ~を引き下げる[縮小する] = to deplete by using or spending |
6 | in the face of | ~に直面して、~を目の前にして = when confronted with /in the presence of |
6 | upcoming | 近づきつつある、やがてやって来る[起こる、現れる] = going to happen soon |
6 | crisis | 危機、重大局面、難局 《何らかの手を打たなければ破局に至るようなきわめて不安定な状態》 = a crucial or decisive point or situation, especially a difficult or unstable situation involving an impending change |
6 | grandiose | 壮大な、大げさな = seeming very impressive but too large, complicated, expensive, etc. to be practical or possible |
6 | scheme | (体系だった公的な)計画、構想、案 = a plan that is developed by a government or large organization in order to provide a particular service for people |
6 | transport | ~を運ぶ[輸送する、運送する] |
6 | canal | 運河、人工水路 = an artificial river / a long, thin stretch of water that is artificially made either for boats to travel along or for taking water from one area to another |
6 | pipeline | (石油や天然ガスの)パイプライン、輸送管路 = a line of connecting pipes, often underground, for conveying oil, gas, etc. over long distances |
6 | the Mississippi | [地名] ミシシッピー川 |
6 | the Missouri | [地名] ミズーリ川 |
6 | the Arkansas | [地名] アーカンソー川 |
6 | tenfold | 10倍に[の] |
6 | uncompetitive | 競合できない、競争力のない = unable to compete successfully with other businesses or products |
6 | somewhat | いくらか、いくぶんか、やや、多少 = to some degree but not to a large degree |
6 | promising | 見込みのある、期待できる、将来有望な = likely to be successful or very good |
6 | capillary | 毛細管現象の 《毛細管[毛管]現象:液体中に細い管を立てると、管内の液面が管外よりも高くなるか低くなる現象。液体の表面張力によって生じ、水のように管壁をぬらす場合には上昇する》 = involving, held by, or resulting from surface tension |
6 | capillary water | 毛管水 《水の表面張力の作用で土の毛管や間げきに保たれた水分》 = water that remains in the soil after gravitational water is drained out, that is subject to the laws of capillary movement, and that is in the form of a film around the soil grains |
6 | soil | 土、土壌 《特に植物の生長に関係のある表層部の土》 = the top layer of the earth in which plants, trees, etc. grow |
6 | inject | ~を注入する[入れる、注射する] = force or drive a fluid or gas into something |
6 | compressed air | 圧搾[圧縮]空気 = air that has been compressed to a pressure higher than atmospheric pressure |
6 | prove | ~であると分かる[判明する] = to show a particular result after a period of time / to be shown or be found to be |
6 | genetic engineering | 遺伝子工学、遺伝子操作、遺伝子組み替え技術 |
6 | partial | 部分的な、一部(分)の = not complete |
6 | strain | 種族、血統、系統 = a particular type of animal, insect, plant or microorganism cf. new strain 新種 |
6 | resistant | 耐久性のある;抵抗力のある = not harmed or affected by something |
6 | evident | (証拠があって)明白な、明らかな、確かな = easily seen or understood |
6 | abundant | 豊富な、たくさんの、ありあまる = existing or available in large quantities / more than enough |
6 | inexpensive | 安価な、安い、費用のかからない |
6 | boom | 好況の、好景気の、にわか景気の = a sudden major increase in trade, profits, etc. in a particular country or region |
