TOEFL Official Guide:Reading Test 4 Passage 2 “The Mystery of Yawning” の単語 <知っておくべき40語!>
の続きです。今回はOGのTest 4のReading、2つ目のパッセージ “The Mystery of Yawning” の単語を紹介します。
Official Guide, Reading Test 4のパッセージはTPO18と同じ。今回はphysiology「生理学」がトピック。
yawn, conventional, alertness, breathe, blood oxygen levels, accompany, boredom, flaw, physiological, heart rate, muscle tension, detect, subject, cast doubt on, trigger, blood carbon dioxide, suppress, frequency, demonstrate, sufficiently, vigorous, have little to do with, have nothing to do with, hiccup, serve to do, clear out, it might be that, periodically, developmental, sound [形容詞], skeptical of, distracting, altogether, namely, mounted, behavioral, bear no relationship to, refer to ~ as, out of place, precede
fetus, airway, secrete, blockage, deformed, empirical, accord with, anecdotal
conductance, amniotic fluid, congenital, such as it is, impending, incongruous
T | yawn | あくびをする = open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply because you are tired or bored |
1 | conventional | 従来の、慣例的な、伝統的な = following what is traditional or the way something has been done for a long time |
1 | alertness | 覚醒、注意力、用心深さ、警戒、油断のないこと = the ability to think quickly and to notice things / the state of being ready to see, understand, and act in a particular situation |
1 | reverse | ~を反対にする[変える、逆転させる] |
1 | breathe | 呼吸する、息をする = take air into your lungs and send it out again through your nose or mouth |
1 | oxygen | 酸素 |
1 | accompany | ~に伴って起こる、〜に付随して起こる、〜と同時に生じる = happen or exist while something else is happening |
1 | boredom | 退屈、ものぐさ、倦怠(けんたい) = the state of feeling bored; the fact of being very boring |
1 | come to | 〜になる[到達する] = arrive at (a certain state) / reach or be brought to a specified situation or result |
1 | tiredness theory | あくびは疲労が原因と唱える学説 |
1 | confirm | ~を確かめる[確認する、裏付ける]退屈、ものぐさ、倦怠(けんたい) = the state of feeling bored; the fact of being very boring |
2 | flaw | 欠陥、不備、不具合、欠点、弱点 = a mistake or fault in something that makes it useless or less effective |
2 | physiological | 生理的な、生理学の = relating to the way that the body of a living thing operates |
2 | heart rate | 心拍(数) = the rate at which the heart beats, usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person’s health |
2 | muscle tension | 筋肉の緊張、筋緊張、筋張力 |
2 | conductance | コンダクタンス、伝導性[度、率、力] cf. conductor (熱・電気・光・音の)伝導体、導体 |
2 | skin conductance | 皮膚コンダクタンス、皮膚伝導 = method of measuring the electrical conductance of the skin, which varies with its moisture level |
2 | detect | ~を発見する[検出する、見つける] = discover or notice something, especially something that is not easy to see, hear, etc. / discern something hidden or subtle |
2 | subject | (医学・心理学などの)実験材料になる人、被験者 = a person or thing being used to study something, especially in an experiment |
2 | state | (精神や感情の)状態、様子、ありさま = the physical or mental condition that someone or something is in |
2 | cast doubt on | ~に疑いをかける、~に疑問[疑念]を投げかける、~を疑う = make people feel less certain about something / make something seem less likely |
2 | trigger | (出来事や反応など)を引き起こす[もたらす、誘発する]、〜のきっかけとなる = make something happen very quickly, especially a series of events |
2 | carbon dioxide | 二酸化炭素、炭酸ガス |
2 | suppress | ~を抑える[抑制する、やめさせる] = stop a physical process from happening or developing |
2 | frequency | 頻度、(一定期間内に)起きる回数 = the number of times that something happens within a particular period of time or within a particular group of people |
2 | demonstrate | (実例によって)〜をはっきり示す[明らかにする、明示する、説明する] = show something clearly by giving proof or evidence |
2 | sufficiently | 十分に、足りて;(〜するのに)足りるほど(to do) = enough |
2 | vigorous | (行為・運動などが)激しい、力強い;精力的な、活気のある、活発な = characterized by or involving physical strength, effort, or energy |
2 | have little to do with | ~とほとんど関係ない |
2 | have nothing to do with | ~と関係[関連、関わり]がない = be unrelated or irrelevant to someone or something |
3 | hold | ~だと思う[考える、主張する] |
3 | assist | 助けとなる、役に立つ、促進する |
3 | hiccup | しゃっくりする |
3 | serve to do | 〜するのに役立つ、〜する役目をする |
3 | clear out | 〜(の中)を掃除する[片付ける] |
3 | fetus | (人間の)胎児 [受精後9週目に入ってから出産までの胎児で、それ以前を胚(embryo)と呼ぶ] = a developing baby human or animal before it is born, especially a human more than eight weeks after fertilization |
3 | airway | (鼻から肺への)気道、気管 = the passage from the nose and throat to the lungs, through which you breathe |
3 | secrete | (器官が)~を分泌する = generate and release a substance from a cell or a gland |
3 | amniotic fluid | 羊水 = the liquid that surrounds and protects a baby when it is growing inside the mother’s womb |
3 | congenital | (病気・障害などが)生れつきの、生来の、先天的な、先天性の = a congenital medical condition or disease has affected someone since they were born |
3 | blockage | 妨害[封鎖、阻害](されている状態)、閉塞 = the state of being blocked or prevented |
3 | deformed | 変形の[した]、奇形の、形のくずれた = not having the usual or natural shape because of having developed wrongly or being damaged |
3 | it might be that | 〜(ということ)かもしれない |
3 | periodically | 定期的に、一定期間ごとに、周期的に = in a way that is repeated after a particular period of time |
3 | developmental | 発達上の、発育上の、発生の、発展的な |
3 | fossil | (動植物の)化石 |
3 | sound | (考えなどが)理にかなった、正当な、確かな、信頼できる = involving the use of good judgment, and therefore likely to be effective; sensible |
3 | skeptical of | ~を疑う、~に懐疑的である、〜について信用しない = having doubts that a claim or statement is true or that something will happen |
3 | distracting | 目[注意]をそらさせる、気を散らす = preventing concentration or diverting attention; disturbing |
3 | consume | (エネルギー、燃料、時、金など)を消費する[使い果たす、消耗する] = use fuel, energy, time, or a product, especially in large amounts |
4 | empirical | 経験[実験]による、経験[実験]上の = based on real experience or scientific experiments rather than ideas or theories |
4 | such as it is | この程度のものだが、この程度ながらも、大したものではないが = used to suggest that something you have referred to is of low quality or not enough |
4 | altogether | 全く、全然、完全に、すっかり、まるで = (used to emphasize something) completely |
4 | namely | すなわち、つまり、名前を言うと、はっきり言うと 《話している内容のより具体的で詳しい情報を導入する》 = used to introduce more exact and detailed information about something that you have just mentioned / used when saying the names of the people or things you are referring to |
4 | mount | 〜を取り付ける[はめ込む、備え付ける] = attach something firmly in a particular place or position |
4 | behavioral | 行動の、行動に関する = of or relating to behavior / pertaining to reactions made in response to social stimuli |
4 | bear no relationship to | ~とは何の関係[関わり]もない、~とは無関係である |
4 | accord with | ~と調和する[合う、一致する] = to agree with or be the same as something else / (of a concept or fact) be harmonious or consistent with |
4 | anecdotal | 事例の、聞いた話に基づく;逸話の = based on someone’s personal experience or information rather than on facts that can be checked |
4 | impending | 差し迫った、今にも起こりそうな、迫り来る、近い将来の、近々の = occurring or likely to occur soon |
4 | refer to ~ as | ~を…と呼ぶ |
4 | incongruous | 場違いの、そぐわない、調和しない、不似合いな、似つかわしくない = strange, unexpected, or unsuitable in a particular situation |
4 | out of place | 場違いの、不適当な、不自然な、不適切な = not suitable for a particular situation or occasion |
4 | have nothing to do with | ~と関係[関連、関わり]がない = be unrelated or irrelevant to someone or something |
4 | reverse | (物事の)反対、逆 = something directly contrary to something else; opposite |
4 | precede | 〜より先に起こる、~に先行する、〜に先立つ = happen or exist before another person or thing |
