自宅TOEFL受験でのトラブルに対して無料再受験をETSに要求したところ、3度拒否されたにも関わらず、私はこのようにして無料再受験を勝ち取りました! その2
» 自宅TOEFL受験でのトラブルに対して無料再受験をETSに要求したところ、3度拒否されたにも関わらず、私はこのようにして無料再受験を勝ち取りました! その1
The first administration of the enhanced, just-under-2-hours, TOEFL iBT ® Home Edition is scheduled for 8:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time, July 25, 2023. We want to inform you that due to global time differences, you are scheduled to take the current, 3-hour version of the test. If you would like to reschedule your test at no extra cost so you can experience the new, shortened TOEFL iBT Home Edition, please contact our customer support team for assistance at 1-609-771-7100. …
① 私からETSへのメール
宛先: TOEFLsupport4Japan@ets.org
タイトル:Request to Reschedule or Refund my TOEFL Home Edition Appointment on 7/26/2023
送信日時:2023/07/27 18:15
To Whom It May Concern,
I am writing to bring up an issue regarding my TOEFL iBT Home Edition appointment.
Details are as follows:
TOEFL iBT Home Edition
Email Address: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
Appointment Number: ◯◯◯◯◯◯◯
Test Date and Time: Wednesday, July 26, 2023 – 06:50 AM (JT)
At 2:40 AM (JT) on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, I received the following email from ETS (see attached):
Dear Test Taker,
The first administration of the enhanced, just-under-2-hours, TOEFL iBT ® Home Edition is scheduled for 8:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time, July 25, 2023. We want to inform you that due to global time differences, you are scheduled to take the current, 3-hour version of the test. If you would like to reschedule your test at no extra cost so you can experience the new, shortened TOEFL iBT Home Edition, please contact our customer support team for assistance at 1-609-771-7100. If you prefer to stay with the current test, no further action is needed.
We appreciate you choosing TOEFL iBT as your preferred English-language test and we wish you the best as you pursue your
The TOEFL Team
As stated in the email, I’d like to either reschedule my appointment at no additional cost or request a refund. This request is due to the fact that my original appointment was to take the shortened 2-hour version of the test.
I’d like to point out that the email arrived just four hours before my scheduled test time at 6:50 am. Consequently, I didn’t have the opportunity to review the email prior to the start of the test. Once I started the test, I realized I was about to take the older, 3-hour version, and decided to discontinue after encountering the first reading question. The ProctorU technician assured me that all our message exchanges were recorded and ETS could review the session. Furthermore, he mentioned that he would “leave a notation” on my reservation.
I would greatly appreciate your assistance on how to reschedule my initial appointment on 7/26, or how to process a refund for my
reservation. I look forward to your prompt attention to this matter.
Sincerely yours,
② ETSから私へのメール
タイトル:TOEFL ETS ID ::: ◯◯◯◯◯◯ [Incident: ◯◯◯◯◯◯-◯◯◯◯◯◯]
送信日時:2023/07/27 22:32(私がメールを送ってから約4時間後)
◯◯◯◯(1人の目の担当者) @ 07/27/2023 09:32 AM:
Dear Ryuichi Katsurayama,
Regarding your inquiry:
You recently contacted the TOEFL program and informed us that you were unable to take your test at home. We have investigated with ProctorU and based on information received we are writing to inform you that:
You indicated to ProctorU that you wish to reschedule because you did not have the permitted materials to begin testing. Test Takers are responsible for ensuring they are prepared on their scheduled test date. You can find information online to prepare before testing at https://www.ets.org/s/cv/toefl/at-home/equipment/.
Unfortunately, we cannot grant you a free reschedule. It will be necessary for you to register to test and pay the test fees again.
Thank you for your inquiry. If you have additional questions, please contact our Customer Service team at +1-609-771-7100 or 1-877-863-3546, or visit our Web site at www.ets.org/toefl. If you contact us via e-mail, please include all previous correspondence or a summary of information regarding your inquiry. Be sure to add @ets.org to your address book or safe sender list to ensure that you receive e-mail messages from ETS.
My name is ◯◯◯◯(1人の目の担当者)–I regret I can’t be of more help at this time, thanks for your interest in the TOEFL®test!
ETS is committed to improving your customer service experience. Please take a moment and complete a short survey so that we may identify ways to improve our service to you. If you’re unable to access the survey by clicking on the link, please right click on the link, copy the hyperlink, and paste it into the address bar of your web browser.
“Please do not reply to this E-mail if you have a separate Request/Issue/Enquiry. Write a new E-mail for a separate request/Issue/Enquiry.”
「the permitted materials to begin testingがなかったからリスケを希望している」という訳の分からない返答がきました。
という人への想定回答を(間違って or よく読まずに or 私からの問い合わせの状況は想定リストになかったので、仕方なしに適当に選んで)コピペした。
明らかに話がズレているのですが、とりあえずその話に付き合ってみようと「the permitted materials to begin testingって何?」と尋ねることにしました。
③ 私からETSへのメール
宛先: TOEFLsupport4Japan@ets.org
タイトル:TOEFL ETS ID ::: ◯◯◯◯◯◯ [Incident: ◯◯◯◯◯◯-◯◯◯◯◯◯]
送信日時:2023/07/28 6:57
Dear ◯◯◯◯(1人の目の担当者),
I’m grateful for your prompt response.
> You indicated to ProctorU that you wish to reschedule because you did not have the permitted materials to begin testing. Test Takers are responsible for ensuring they are prepared on their scheduled test date. You can find information online to prepare before testing at https://www.ets.org/s/cv/toefl
I am uncertain as to what is meant by “permitted materials,” as I did not engage in any discussion regarding such materials with the ProctorU technician. Could you please clarify what these materials might be? Furthermore, I have recorded all exchanges on chat with the technician, which can attest to this fact.
Sincerely yours,
④ ETSから私へのメール
タイトル:TOEFL ETS ID ::: ◯◯◯◯◯◯ [Incident: ◯◯◯◯◯◯-◯◯◯◯◯◯]
送信日時:2023/07/28 22:33(私がメールを送ってから約15時間半後)
◯◯◯◯(2人の目の担当者)@ 07/28/2023 09:33 AM:
Dear Ryuichi Katsurayama,
During registration, you were provided with a link to the TOEFL test at home webpage which contained information relevant to testing remotely, including the Equipment and Environment requirements. In order to proceed with scheduling a remote test, Test takers are required to agree to the TOEFL test at home terms and conditions which include the information outlined in the TOEFL iBT® Home Edition webpage.
After completing a TOEFL test registration, the confirmation email provides a link to the Equipment and Environment webpage, which the test taker is required to review at the time of the test registration. This information is particularly important to test takers who are testing remotely, since they are using their personal computer system. It is also important to read and understand the Equipment and Environment checks that must be performed PRIOR to testing. A link to this information is provided for ease of reference: https://www.ets.org/s/cv/
Please note that the web page referenced above includes other links necessary to:
· Download and install the ETS Secure Test Browser
· Run the ProctorU Equipment Check to enable test takers to fix any computer issues before test day
· Review ProctorU minimum and recommended technical requirements, which include specific systems requirements and stipulate that tablets and other mobile devices, such as Chromebooks, MacBooks, and iPads, are not supported in a remote testing environment.
Additional information crucial to remote testing found on this webpage includes requirements for:
· Speaker
· Microphone
· Camera
· Privacy – room and testing environment
· Tabletop and seating
· Clothing and appearance
· Notetaking materials
· Operating System
· Internet
Test takers are responsible for ensuring that all equipment and environment requirements are met prior to test day. This also includes ensuring that your device meets the connectivity, CPU, and other equipment requirements outlined on the website.
Unfortunately, we are unable to honor your request for a free makeup test or refund.
Thank you for your inquiry. If you have additional questions, please contact our Customer Service team at +1-609-771-7100 or 1-877-863-3546, or visit our Web site at www.ets.org/toefl. If you contact us via e-mail, please include all previous correspondence or a summary of information regarding your inquiry.
My name is ◯◯◯◯(2人の目の担当者) – I wish you good luck, thanks for your interest in the TOEFL® test!
ETS is committed to improving your customer service experience. Please take a moment and complete a short survey so that we may identify ways to improve our service to you. If you’re unable to access the survey by clicking on the link, please right click on the link, copy the hyperlink, and paste it into the address bar of your web browser.
“Please do not reply to this E-mail if you have a separate Request/Issue/Enquiry. Write a new E-mail for a separate request/Issue/Enquiry.”
the permitted materials to begin testingを説明するコピペのメールが届きました。基本的にメール文にあるリンク先のETSのサイトに書いてある情報と同じです。
⑤ 私からETSへのメール
宛先: TOEFLsupport4Japan@ets.org
タイトル:TOEFL ETS ID ::: ◯◯◯◯◯◯ [Incident: ◯◯◯◯◯◯-◯◯◯◯◯◯]
送信日時:2023/08/01 16:32
Dear ◯◯◯◯(2人の目の担当者),
Thank you for your previous explanation regarding “permitted materials.” However, there seems to be some misunderstanding from ◯◯◯◯(1人の目の担当者)’s side regarding my situation.
It appears to me that ◯◯◯◯(1人の目の担当者) may have misunderstood the situation or overlooked details provided in my prior email.
Here’s what ◯◯◯◯(1人の目の担当者) wrote to me:
> ◯◯◯◯(1人の目の担当者) @ 07/27/2023 09:32 AM:
> Dear Ryuichi Katsurayama,
> Regarding your inquiry:
> You recently contacted the TOEFL program and informed us that you were unable to take your test at home. We have investigated with ProctorU and based on information received we are writing to inform you that:
> You indicated to ProctorU that you wish to reschedule because you did not have the permitted materials to begin testing. Test Takers are responsible for ensuring they are prepared on their scheduled test date. You can find information online to prepare before testing at https://www.ets.org/s/cv/toefl
> Unfortunately, we cannot grant you a free reschedule. It will be necessary for you to register to test and pay the test fees again.
In ◯◯◯◯(1人の目の担当者)’s response, it was stated that, “You indicated to ProctorU that you wish to reschedule because you did not have the permitted materials to begin testing.”
This statement is inaccurate.
For the record, I did not have any communication with ProctorU about not having the necessary materials. I initiated the test equipped with all the required materials.
I’m requesting a reschedule of my test at no extra cost or a refund for two main reasons.
First, I received the following email from ETS (see attached), stating that I can reschedule the test at no additional cost:
“If you would like to reschedule your test at no extra cost so you can experience the new, shortened TOEFL iBT Home Edition, please contact our customer support team for assistance at 1-609-771-7100.” (See attached)
Second, ETS failed to provide timely notice about the change to the 2-hour version of the test. I received a notification email at 2:40 am, only around 4 hours before my scheduled test time at 6:50 am (see attached). This short notice didn’t allow me the opportunity to review the email prior to the test.
Clearly, this was a fault on ETS’s part, as it had been officially announced that the new version of the test would be available from July 26 in my time zone (Japan Time).
I also encourage you to review my initial email to ETS to better understand the situation (please see below).
Please refrain from using email templates in responding to my case. I will continue to make my request until I receive a fair resolution. I strongly recommend discussing my situation with your advisor.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Sincerely yours,
Below, I have copied and pasted the content of my previous email for your reference.
⑥ ETSから私へのメール
タイトル:TOEFL ETS ID ::: ◯◯◯◯◯◯ [Incident: ◯◯◯◯◯◯-◯◯◯◯◯◯]
送信日時:2023/08/03 0:06(私がメールを送ってから約31時間半後)
◯◯◯◯(2人の目の担当者) @ 08/02/2023 11:06 AM:
Dear Ryuichi Katsurayama,
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.
Please be informed to you that the email was sent to those test taker who had issue with the same time zone so that they can reschedule the test before the test date.
In your case you have not seen the email on time.
Apart from that you should have contact us before the test date but you already took the test, so while we know this is not the answer you hoped to receive from us we are, unfortunately, unable to comply with your request for compensation.
My name is ◯◯◯◯(2人の目の担当者)- I wish you good luck, thanks for your interest in the TOEFL® test!
ETS is committed to improving your customer service experience. Please take a moment and complete a short survey so that we may identify ways to improve our service to you. If you’re unable to access the survey by clicking on the link, please right click on the link, copy the hyperlink, and paste it into the address bar of your web browser.
“Please do not reply to this E-mail if you have a separate Request/Issue/Enquiry. Write a new E-mail for a separate request/Issue/Enquiry.”
⑦ 私からETSへのメール
宛先: TOEFLsupport4Japan@ets.org
タイトル:TOEFL ETS ID ::: ◯◯◯◯◯◯ [Incident: ◯◯◯◯◯◯-◯◯◯◯◯◯]
送信日時:2023/08/03 9:36
Dear ◯◯◯◯(2人の目の担当者),
Thank you for your response.
> Please be informed to you that the email was sent to those test taker who had issue with the same time zone
What do you mean by “those test takers who had an issue with the same time zone?” I’m unsure of what you’re referring to. Could you please elaborate?
> so that they can reschedule the test before the test date.
I would like to clarify that I did not receive the email from ETS “before the test date.” It arrived “on” the test date, which made it impossible for me to reschedule “before the test date.”
> In your case you have not seen the email on time.
As previously explained, the email was sent approximately 4 hours before my test time, which was at 2:40 am in my time zone. My test was scheduled for 6:50 am. Are you suggesting that it was my fault for not reading the email before the test?
> Apart from that you should have contact us before the test date
It was impossible for me to contact ETS “BEFORE the test date” as the notification email was sent ON the test date, just 4 hours before my scheduled test time.
> but you already took the test, so while we know this is not the answer you hoped to receive from us we are, unfortunately, unable to comply with your request for compensation.
To clarify, I did not take the test. I stopped taking the test when I saw the first question (to which I didn’t answer) as I realized from that first question that the test was not the new 2-hour version, contrary to the announcement by ETS Japan that it would be available from the beginning of July 26 in my time zone.
Please allow me to repeat my questions above.
1. What do you mean by “those test taker who had issue with the same time zone”?
2. Are you suggesting that it was my fault for not reading the email before the test, even though the mail was sent approximately 4 hours before my test time, which was at 2:40 am in my time zone?
I’m waiting for your answers.
Sincerely yours,
⑧ ETSから私へのメール
タイトル:TOEFL ETS ID ::: ◯◯◯◯◯◯ [Incident: ◯◯◯◯◯◯-◯◯◯◯◯◯]
送信日時:2023/08/03 23:32(私がメールを送ってから約14時間後)
◯◯◯◯(1人の目の担当者)@ 08/03/2023 10:32 AM:
Dear Ryuichi Katsurayama,
Thanks for your message!
Your concern regarding July 26, 2023 test has already been forwarded it to the appropriate group here at ETS. Kindly allow us 7 to 10 business days for the team to investigate and get back to you.
Please allow sufficient time for your request to be reviewed and/or processed.
My name is ◯◯◯◯(1人の目の担当者), I hope this helps, thanks for your interest in the TOEFL® test!
“Please do not reply to this E-mail if you have a separate Request/Issue/Enquiry. Write a new E-mail for a separate request/Issue/Enquiry.”
話が「the appropriate groupに送られた」と。望んでいた展開になりました。最初の担当者レベルでの話し合いでは、無料リスケが提供されることはないと思っていたので。
⑨ ETSから私へのメール
タイトル:TOEFL ETS ID ::: ◯◯◯◯◯◯ [Incident: ◯◯◯◯◯◯-◯◯◯◯◯◯]
Dear Ryuichi Katsurayama,
We are writing concerning the at-home edition of the TOEFL iBT examination that you were recently scheduled to take on July 26, 2023.
For your information, if the candidate wants to experience the new enhanced TOEFL iBT experience, they should schedule their test appointment to be on or after July 26, 2023. Our record shows that the ETS team has already sent an email regarding the global time difference to reschedule the test at no cost. The new version will be updated as per Eastern daylight time.
As a one-time exception, we have requested that you be issued a free makeup appointment. This allows you to schedule your makeup TOEFL test at a date and time convenient to you.
In order to utilize your free makeup, please log into your ETS account at www.ets.org/mytoefl. Once you have logged into your ETS account, the retest option can be accessed as follows:
Click on the “View my orders” link on your home page.
Click on the order number for the July 26, 2023 test date.
Click on View or Modify.
Use the Schedule a Makeup Up Test link to re-register.
This free makeup test is valid for 1 year from your original test date.
We hope this information is helpful, and we wish you well in your future academic endeavors.
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
TOEFL Test Taker Advocacy Dept.
