TOEFL Official Guide:Reading Test 4 Passage 1 “Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia” の単語 <知っておくべき75語!>
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今回、意味を紹介するのはTOEFL iBT Official Guideの “Test 4” 最初のパッセージ “Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia” の中で使われた単語。
このOfficial Guide Test 4のReading問題はTPO18と同じもの。Official Guideを持っていなくても「TPO “Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia”」とでも検索すると中国のサイトがいくつも見つかります。
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ただこれらの中国TPOのサイトは公式のものではなく、問題のタイプミスがよくあるので Official GuideやOfficial Tests教材を使用して問題を解くことをお勧めします。
industrialization, the Netherlands, Scandinavia, industrialize, lag behind, considerably, in view of, coal, inhabitant, exhibit, moderate, growth rate, in the course of, double, density, greatly, in between, characteristic, advantage[動詞], literacy rate, of value, enormous, niche, evolve, current[名詞], immediate, implication, shipbuilding industry, take advantage of, in one’s own way, fishery, shipping, harbor, steamship, exceptional, processing, raw material, admirable, with respect to, strait, in return for, abolish, toll, fee, along with, policy shift, port, political institution, barrier, progressive, democratization, reasonably, well governed, notable, corruption, give aid to, railway, protectionist, agricultural reform, class, definite, literacy, adapt to, areas of specialization, well suited for, commerce, notorious, fluctuation, return, aspect, prosperity, export, account for, import
merchant marine, mercantile, pose, grandiose, in the main, peasant, market orientation, division of labor, stake out, well placed, in times of
human capital, transit trade, foodstuff, the Sound, dues
T | industrialization | 産業化、工業化 |
T | the Netherlands | オランダ、ネーデルラント [正式名称はthe Kingdom of the Netherlandsで、俗にHollandと呼ばれることもある] |
T | Scandinavia | スカンジナビア、北欧 [ノルウェー・スウェーデン・デンマークの総称。時にアイスランド・フィンランドが含まれることもある] |
1 | industrialize | 工業化する、産業化する |
1 | Scandinavian | スカンジナビアの;スカンジナビア人 |
1 | lag behind | (競争相手との)距離が開く、(競争相手に)後れを取る、ついていけない、遅れる = fail to keep up with one’s peers / move or develop more slowly than others |
1 | considerably | かなり、相当に、大幅に = to a great extent or degree / a lot / much |
1 | in the second half | 後半に、後半では |
1 | in view of | ~を考慮して、〜を考えると = in regard to / in consideration of / considering / taking into account |
1 | coal | 石炭 = a hard black substance that is dug from the ground and burned as fuel to provide heat |
1 | among | 〜(の中の)ひとつ[いくつか]で、〜に含まれて |
1 | their lack of coal―undoubtedly the main reason they were not among the early industrializersではtheir lack of coal 「石炭の不足[欠如]」とその後のundoubtedly the main reason they were not among the early industrializers 「間違いなく、初めに産業化した国のひとつではなかった主要な理由」がダッシュで繋がれ、ダッシュの前後が(同格の)イコールの関係になっている | |
2 | inhabitant | 居住者、住民、定住者;ある場所に住む人[動物] = a person or an animal that lives in a particular place |
2 | exhibit | 〜を見せる[示す、表す、明示する] = show clearly that you have or feel a particular quality, ability, feeling or symptom |
2 | moderate | ほどほどの、適度な、まあままの、穏やかな = neither very great nor very small in amount, size, strength, or degree |
2 | growth rate | 成長率、成長速度、増加率 |
2 | in the course of | ~の間に、~の経過中に、~の最中で、~の過程で(は) |
2 | double | (大きさや数量が)2倍になる、倍増する |
2 | density | 密度、密集(状態) |
2 | greatly | 大いに、非常に = extremely or very much |
2 | in between | (二つのものの)間に、中間に |
3 | human capital | 人的資本、人的資源 《人間が持つ能力(知識や技能)を資本として捉えた経済学の概念》 = the skills, knowledge and experience of a person or group of people, seen as something valuable that an organization or country can make use of |
3 | characteristic | 特徴、特性、特質 = a particular quality or feature that is typical of someone or something |
3 | advantage | ~に利益をもたらす[役立つ];~を促進する[助長する] = put somebody in a better position than other people or than they were in before / give an advantage to / benefit |
3 | literacy rate | 識字率 |
3 | of value | 価値がある、有用である、貴重である = worth a lot of money / useful or important |
3 | enormous | 非常に大きな、巨大な、ばく大な |
3 | niche | (人の能力などに応じた)適所、得意分野、最適の場所[仕事] = a job or activity that you are good at and that is very suitable for you |
3 | evolve | (徐々に)発達[発展、展開]する;進化する |
3 | current | (時・情勢などの)流れ、推移、動向、傾向、風潮 = the general tendency or course of events or opinion |
4 | immediate | (空間的に)接近した、隣接した、すぐそばの = next to, or very near to, a particular place |
4 | implication | [通例 複数形] 推測[予期・予想]されること[結果]、引き起こされるであろう結果[影響] = a possible future effect or result of an action, event, decision etc. |
4 | merchant marine | 商船、海運力 = all the ships of a nation that are used in commerce |
4 | shipbuilding industry | 造船業 |
4 | take advantage of | ~を(巧みに)利用する、~を活かす |
4 | in one’s own way | 自分らしい[自分なりの]方法[やり方]で |
4 | fishery | 漁業、水産業 = the fishing industry |
4 | mercantile | 商業の、商人の = relating to trade or commerce; commercial |
4 | shipping | 海運業、船舶輸送、運送業 = the business of carrying goods, especially in a ship |
4 | harbor | 港、港湾 |
4 | steamship | 汽船、蒸気船 = a large ship that uses steam to produce power |
4 | exceptional | 非常に優れた、並外れた、他に例を見ないほど素晴らしい = extremely good or impressive in a way that is unusual |
4 | transit trade | 通過貿易、中継ぎ貿易 |
4 | processing | 加工、処理 |
4 | foodstuff | 食料品、食材 = any substance that is used as food or to make food |
4 | raw material | 原料、原材料 《複数形で用いられることが多い》 = a basic material that is used to make a product |
4 | admirable | 称賛に値する、見事な、立派な = deserving to be admired or respected |
4 | with respect to | ~に関して(は)、〜について(は) |
4 | the Sound | [地名]エーレ海峡 《スウェーデン南部とデンマークのジーランド島の間にある海峡》 |
4 | strait | 海峡 = a narrow passage of water between two areas of land, usually connecting two seas |
4 | in return for | ~に対する返礼[お礼、お返し、見返り]として |
4 | kronor | スウェーデン通貨krona(クローナ)の複数形 |
4 | abolish | (法律や制度など)を廃止する[撤廃する、無効にする] = officially end a law, system, practice etc, especially one that has existed for a long time |
4 | toll | (道路や橋などの)通行料、(港湾などの)使用料 |
4 | dues | [複数形で用いて] 税、使用料、賦課金、会費 = fees / charges |
4 | fee | 料金、手数料 |
4 | along with | ~と連動して、~と併せて、~と一緒に、~と共に |
4 | policy shift | 政策転換 |
4 | port | (商船、客船などが寄港する)港、商港 《harbor は自然の地形によって波風を避けるに適した港、port は商船などが出入りする商港》 = a harbor where passengers and goods can be taken on and off / a town or city with a harbor, especially one where ships load and unload goods |
5 | political institution | 政治制度、政治機関 |
5 | pose | (問題など)を引き起こす[もたらす] = exist in a way that may cause a problem, danger, difficulty etc. |
5 | barrier | (進行を妨げる)障害、障壁 |
5 | progressive | (変化・発達・改善などが)漸進(ぜんしん)的な、段階的な;(考え方などが)進歩的な、進歩主義の = happening or developing gradually over a period of time |
5 | democratization | 民主化 |
5 | reasonably | 適度に、適当に、ほどよく = to a fairly high degree, level, or standard |
5 | well governed | よく統治[管理]されている = directed and controlled efficiently or satisfactorily |
5 | notable | 目立った、注目に値する、有名な、著しい、顕著な = unusual or interesting enough to be mentioned or noticed |
5 | corruption | (政治的)腐敗、退廃、汚職、不正行為 |
5 | grandiose | 壮大な、雄大な、大げさな、堂々とした = intended to achieve something important or difficult, but unlikely to be successful because of not being sensible |
5 | give aid to | ~を援助する[支援する]、~に手を貸す |
5 | railway | 鉄道(路線) |
5 | main line | (鉄道の)本線;幹線道路 = a principal highway or railroad line |
5 | in the main | 一般的に、大部分は、概して、主に = in general, mainly, mostly |
5 | protectionist | 保護貿易主義者[論者] |
5 | agricultural reform | 農業[農地]改革 |
5 | class | (社会の)階級 |
5 | peasant | 小作農、小作人、小規模農家 = a farmer who owns or rents a small piece of land |
5 | peasant landowner | 地主農民 |
5 | definite | 確かな、明確な、確定的な:間違いないと思う、確信している = fixed, certain, or clear / clearly developed or firmly decided |
5 | market orientation | マーケット指向、市場指向 |
6 | literacy | 読み書きの[識字]能力 = the ability to read and write |
6 | adapt to | ~に適合[適応、順応]する、~になじむ |
6 | division of labor | 分業、労働の役割分担 |
6 | stake out | ~を確保する;~をくいで囲う = claim as one’s own / mark an area with fences or posts to show that it belongs to someone |
6 | areas of specialization | 専門分野、専門領域 |
6 | well suited for | 〜によく適している[向いている、合っている、適切な] |
6 | commerce | (大規模な)商業、商取引、交易、貿易 = trade, especially between countries; the buying and selling of goods and services |
6 | notorious | 悪名高い、悪評の高い、よく知られた = famous or well known for something bad |
6 | fluctuation | (継続的な)変動、上下 = frequent changes in the amount, value, or level of something |
6 | return | (商品の売買による)利益 |
6 | aspect | 側面、面、特徴 |
6 | well placed | 有利な立場にいる = having a fortunate or advantageous position / appropriately or advantageously directed or positioned |
6 | in times of | ~の時代に、~の時期に |
6 | prosperity | 繁栄、隆盛、成功、繁盛 = the state of being successful and having a lot of money |
6 | export | 輸出、輸出品、輸出高[額];~を輸出する |
6 | account for | (ある割合)を占める[構成する] = make up or form a particular amount or part of something |
6 | import | 輸入、輸入品、輸入高[額];~を輸入する |