

【改訂版】TOEFL単語力・文法力・背景知識増強パッセージ 3 “Defense Mechanisms of the Leaf-Tailed Gecko”

 “Defense Mechanisms of the Leaf-Tailed Gecko” のパッセージに対する「単語リスト」「穴埋め問題」「文法解説(分詞構文)」の3つの記事を1つにまとめた改訂版です。


以下、TOEFLで出題されやすいトピック、使われやすい単語と文法表現を意識して作成したパッセージ その3です。単語力、文法力、背景知識の向上にお役立てください。


» (その1)TOEFL単語力・文法力・背景知識増強パッセージ 1 “The Possibility of Life on Mars”

» (その2)TOEFL単語力・文法力・背景知識増強パッセージ 2 “Why Ancient Teotihuacán thrived”










Defense Mechanisms of the Leaf-Tailed Gecko


The leaf-tailed gecko is a type of lizard that is endemic to Madagascar and nearby islands. It has developed unique defense mechanisms to avoid being preyed upon by carnivorous predators. The species is aptly named as it possesses a tail that mimics the appearance of a dry leaf for camouflage. Its body and skin resemble the foliage and bark of its arboreal habitat, rendering it nearly invisible.


Apart from its physical disguise, the leaf-tailed gecko can change its skin color to blend in with the surroundings. This capability is regulated by specialized skin cells that release pigments selectively, allowing the gecko to disguise itself more effectively. These adaptations enable the leaf-tailed gecko to feed on prey, such as insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates, while minimizing the risk of being caught by carnivores.


The leaf-tailed gecko’s uncanny resemblance to leaves, twigs, and trunks, along with its color-changing abilities, is unparalleled in terms of defense mechanisms that deter predators. This lizard serves as an excellent example of the remarkable diversity of defense mechanisms present in nature, providing valuable insights into the interplay between animals and their environment.


186 words








Defense Mechanisms of the LeafTailed Gecko


The leaf-tailed gecko is a type of lizard that is endemic to Madagascar and nearby islands. It has developed unique defense mechanisms to avoid being preyed upon by carnivorous predators. The species is aptly named as it possesses a tail that mimics the appearance of a dry leaf for camouflage. Its body and skin resemble the foliage and bark of its arboreal habitat, rendering it nearly invisible.


defense mechanism 防御[防衛]機構[機制]
leaf 葉[複数形:leaves]
tailed [複合語で]尾が〜の 例: long-tailed「尾が長い」
gecko ヤモリ
lizard トカゲ
endemic to 〜に固有の、〜に特有の = only found in
Madagascar マダガスカル《アフリカ南東部の島国。国土の主要部分を占めるマダガスカル島は、世界で4番目に大きい島》
nearby 近くの、近隣の
prey upon 〜を捕食する、〜を食いもの[えじき]にする
carnivorous 肉食(性)の
predator 捕食[肉食]動物、捕食者;他人を食いものにする人
species (生物分類上の)種
aptly (表現・命名・説明などが)適切に、うまく = in a way that is fitting or appropriate
as [接続詞]〜なので、〜だから
possess (才能・性質・知識・財産など)を持つ[有する、持っている、所有する]
tail 尾、しっぽ
mimic 〜(の形)に擬態する;(物)がよく似る;〜をまねる = if a plant or animal mimics another plant or animal or mimics something in its environment, it makes itself look like it in order to be less noticeable to its enemies
appearance 外見、外観、容姿;姿を現すこと、登場、出現
camouflage 隠蔽的擬態;カムフラージュ、偽装
resemble  〜に似ている、〜のようである
foliage (1本または多くの木全体の)葉、群葉、枝葉 = the leaves of a plant or tree
bark 木の皮、樹皮
arboreal 樹上に住む、樹上性の、樹上生活に適した = relating to or living in trees
habitat (動植物の)生息地、生息場所
render (人・物)を〜の状態にする[させる、変える] = cause somebody/something to be in a particular state or condition
nearly ほとんど、ほぼ = almost, but not quite or not completely
invisible 見えない、目につかない


Apart from its physical disguise, the leaf-tailed gecko can change its skin color to blend in with the surroundings. This capability is regulated by specialized skin cells that release pigments selectively, allowing the gecko to disguise itself more effectively. These adaptations enable the leaf-tailed gecko to feed on prey, such as insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates, while minimizing the risk of being caught by carnivores.


apart from 〜だけではなく、〜に加えて;〜は別として = ​in addition to, as well as
physical 身体の、肉体の、身体的な
disguise 偽装[変装](すること)
blend in with (周囲)に溶け込む、~と調和する
surroundings [複数形で]環境、周囲(のもの[状況])
capability 能力、才能、手腕;機能
regulate 〜を調整する[調節する、制御する、管理する];〜を規制する[制限する]
specialized 特殊化した、特殊な、専門化した、
cell 細胞
release (化学物質など)を放出する
pigment (動植物の)色素;顔料、絵の具 = a substance that exists naturally in people, animals and plants and gives their skin, leaves, etc. a particular color
selectively 選択して、選択的に(ここでは様々な色素から『選んで』、環境に溶け込むために体の色を変えていることを意味している)
disguise 〜を偽装[変装]させる(disguise oneself「偽装する、変装する)
adaptation (生物進化の過程の)適応、順応 = the process of change by which a species becomes better suited to its environment
enable 〜 to do 〜に …することを可能にさせる[する]
feed on (動物が)〜を常食とする[餌にする] = if an animal feeds on a particular food, it usually eats that food
prey 獲物、えじき = an animal, a bird, etc. that is hunted and eaten by another
insect 昆虫、虫
invertebrate 無脊椎動物《せきつい[背骨]をもたない生き物の総称。昆虫、ミミズ・ヒル、イカ・タコ、ウニ・ヒトデ、アメーバ・ゾウリムシなど》
minimize 〜を最小限にする[できるだけ少なくする]
risk 危険(性)、恐れ
carnivore 肉食(性)動物 = an animal that eats meat


The leaf-tailed gecko’s uncanny resemblance to leaves, twigs, and trunks, along with its color-changing abilities, is unparalleled in terms of defense mechanisms that deter predators. This lizard serves as an excellent example of the remarkable diversity of defense mechanisms present in nature, providing valuable insights into the interplay between animals and their environment.


uncanny 異様な;神秘的な、不可思議な = strange or mysterious, often in a way that is slightly frightening
resemblance to 〜に(外面的に)似ていること、〜との類似性
twig 小枝、細枝 = a very small thin branch from a tree or bush(branch「枝」
trunk (木の)幹 = the main part of a tree that the branches grow out of
along with 〜に加えて、〜のほかに;〜といっしょに = in addition to; together with
unparalleled 並ぶもの[比類]のない、無比の、無類の = having no equal; better or greater than any other
in terms of 〜の点で、〜の観点から、〜に関して = if you explain or describe something in terms of a particular fact or event, you are explaining or describing it only in relation to that fact or event; with respect to or in relation to
deter ~を防ぐ[阻止する、抑止する、思いとどまらせる] = prevent someone from doing something or to make someone less enthusiastic about doing something by making it difficult for that person to do it or by threatening bad results if they do it
serve as 〜として役立つ、〜として機能する、〜としての役割を果たす
remarkable 注目すべき、注目に値する、驚くべき、並外れた、目立った、優れた = unusual or surprising and therefore deserving attention or praise
diversity 多様性、さまざまな種類、雑多
present in 〜(の中)に存在する[含まれる]
valuable 貴重な、重要な、有益な、価値ある、役に立つ
insights into 〜に対する[についての]洞察[見識]
interplay 相互作用[関係]


The leaf-tailed geckoの見た目や、実際に体がどのような色になるかを是非、以下の動画で確認ください。


Leaf-tailed geckos are masters of camouflage(YouTube動画)



Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko – Animal of the Week(YouTube動画)




単語力・文法力増強 穴埋め問題3




Defense Mechanisms of the Leaf-Tailed Gecko


The leaf-tailed gecko is a type of lizard that is 1)[2語]en             Madagascar and nearby islands. It has developed unique defense mechanisms to avoid 2)[2語]      pre      upon by 3)[2語]car      pre     . The species is 4) ap      named as it possesses a tail that mimics the appearance of a dry leaf for 5) cam     . Its body and skin resemble the 6) fo      and 7) ba      of its arboreal 8) ha     , 9) ren      it nearly invisible.


10)[2語]Ap            its physical 11) dis     , the leaf-tailed gecko can change its skin color to 12)[3語]bl                   the surroundings. This 13) cap      is regulated by specialized skin cells that release 14) pig       selectively, allowing the gecko to 15) dis     (11と同じ)itself more effectively. These adaptations 16) en      the leaf-tailed gecko to feed on 17) pr     , such as insects, spiders, and other small 18) inver     , while minimizing the risk of being caught by 19) car     .


The leaf-tailed gecko’s uncanny 20) res      to leaves, 21) tw     , and 22) tr     , along with its color-changing abilities, is 23) unp      in terms of defense mechanisms that 24) de      predators. This lizard serves as an excellent example of the remarkable 25) div      of defense mechanisms 26)[2語]pre            nature, providing valuable 27) ins      into the 28) inter      between animals and their environment.



単語力・文法力増強 穴埋め問題3(正解・解説)


Defense Mechanisms of the Leaf-Tailed Gecko


The leaf-tailed gecko is a type of lizard that is 1)[2語]en             Madagascar and nearby islands. It has developed unique defense mechanisms to avoid 2)[2語]      pre      upon by 3)[2語]car      pre     .


1)endemic to「〜に固有の、〜に特有の」

2)being preyed (upon):prey upon「〜を捕食する、〜を食いもの[えじき]にする」を受け身にした形。avoidの後に動詞表現を続ける場合は、動名詞になります。to不定詞は使えません。

3)carnivorous predatorS「(肉食の)捕食動物」 :複数の捕食動物のイメージで複数形にできましたか?英語では「単数・複数に対する意識はとても大切」と繰り返し伝えていますが、複数形にしなかった人は穴埋めを最初からやりなおしてください。


The species is 4) ap      named as it possesses a tail that mimics the appearance of a dry leaf for 5) cam     . Its body and skin resemble the 6) fo      and 7) ba      of its arboreal 8) ha     , 9) ren      it nearly invisible.






8)habitat「(動植物の)生息地、生息場所」:その前にitsとあるように、1匹のthe leaf-tailed geckoの(しかしその1匹が種全体を総称している)イメージで話は進んでいます。その1匹の生息地なので、いくつもの生息地ではなく、単数形のhabitatになります。

9)rendering:render「(人・物)を〜の状態にする[させる、変える]」 ing形の分詞構文になっています。



10)[2語]Ap            its physical 11) dis     , the leaf-tailed gecko can change its skin color to 12)[3語]bl                   the surroundings. 


10)Apart from「〜だけではなく、〜に加えて」 :ここではin addtion toの意味で使われています。


12)blend in with「(周囲)に溶け込む、~と調和する」


This 13) cap      is regulated by specialized skin cells that release 14) pig       selectively, allowing the gecko to 15) dis     (11と同じ)itself more effectively. 




15)disguise「〜を偽装[変装]させる(disguise oneself「偽装する、変装する)」


These adaptations 16) en      the leaf-tailed gecko to feed on 17) pr     , such as insects, spiders, and other small 18) inver     , while minimizing the risk of being caught by 19) car     .


16)enable:enable 〜 to do「〜に …することを可能にさせる[する]」 基本的な表現ですが writingやspeakingでも便利に使えるので、確認のために問題にしました。

17)prey「獲物、えじき」:preyは不可算名詞であり複数形になりません。例)Lions are powerful predators that hunt down their prey with great speed and agility.  読んで意味が分かればいいので、不可算名詞であることを覚える必要はありませんが。

18)invertebrateS「無脊椎動物」:その前のinsectS, spiderSと同様、複数形にします。



The leaf-tailed gecko’s uncanny 20) res      to leaves, 21) tw     , and 22) tr     , along with its color-changing abilities, is 23) unp      in terms of defense mechanisms that 24) de      predators. 


20)resemblance :resemblance to「〜に(外面的に)似ていること」 resemblanceは基本的に「似ている状態」を意味するので、そのような状態はいくつも存在することはなく、単数形で使います。

21)twigS「小枝、細枝」 22)trunkS「(木の)幹」:その前のleaveSの流れもありますが、小枝、木の幹ともに1つではなく、複数のもののイメージです。




This lizard serves as an excellent example of the remarkable 25) div      of defense mechanisms 26)[2語]pre            nature, providing valuable 27) ins      into the 28) inter      between animals and their environment.


25)diversity「多様性」 diversityは「多くの要素が存在している『状態』」を意味するので、基本的に単数形で使います。

Oxford Learner’s Dictionariesでは [uncountable, countable, usually singular] a range of many people or things that are very different from each other と説明しています。

26)present in「(〜(の中)に存在する[含まれる]」present in nature「自然に存在する」という形容詞句は後ろからdefense mechanismsを修飾しています。以下、形容詞句が後ろから名詞を修飾している例。
She bought a basket full of ripe tomatoes from the local farmer’s market.
The library has a wide selection of books useful to students studying for the TOEFL.
The patient presented symptoms of an illness similar to the flu, including fever and body aches.

27)insights:insights into「〜に対する[についての]洞察[見識]」 ここでは単数形のinsightを使うこともできますが、意味的にはいくつもの「価値ある理解や認識」の話なので複数形の方がふさわしいと言えます。








Defense Mechanisms of the Leaf-Tailed Gecko


The leaf-tailed gecko is a type of lizard that is endemic to Madagascar and nearby islands. It has developed unique defense mechanisms to avoid being preyed upon by carnivorous predators. The species is aptly named as it possesses a tail that mimics the appearance of a dry leaf for camouflage. Its body and skin resemble the foliage and bark of its arboreal habitat, rendering it nearly invisible.


Apart from its physical disguise, the leaf-tailed gecko can change its skin color to blend in with the surroundings. This capability is regulated by specialized skin cells that release pigments selectively, allowing the gecko to disguise itself more effectively. These adaptations enable the leaf-tailed gecko to feed on prey, such as insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates, while minimizing the risk of being caught by carnivores.


The leaf-tailed gecko’s uncanny resemblance to leaves, twigs, and trunks, along with its color-changing abilities, is unparalleled in terms of defense mechanisms that deter predators. This lizard serves as an excellent example of the remarkable diversity of defense mechanisms present in nature, providing valuable insights into the interplay between animals and their environment.


186 words







The leaf-tailed gecko is a type of lizard that is endemic to Madagascar and nearby islands. It has developed unique defense mechanisms to avoid being preyed upon by carnivorous predators. The species is aptly named as it possesses a tail that mimics the appearance of a dry leaf for camouflage. Its body and skin resemble the foliage and bark of its arboreal habitat, rendering it nearly invisible.


のrederingについて。renderの意味が「render (人・物)を〜の状態にする[させる、変える] = cause somebody/something to be in a particular state or condition」であることは単語リストで伝えました。




rendering it nearly invisibleの意味は「it(= the leaf-tailed gecko)をほとんど見えなくする」。「『何が』the leaf-tailed geckoをほとんど見えなくする」のかを尋ねていますが、分詞構文の意味上の主語は、多くの場合、主節の主語と同じなので its body and skinと判断された方、それでOKです。


Its body and skin resemble the foliage and bark of its arboreal habitat, rendering it nearly invisible.





renderingの前の文 Its body and skin resemble the foliage and bark of its arboreal habitat 全体がrenderingの主語になっているのでは?








The waiter brought the check to our table, indicating that our pizza party was coming to an end.

The school hired additional experienced teachers, resulting in higher test scores for the students.

The dancer’s injury prevented him from taking part in the competition, rendering his long hours of rehearsal in vain. *in vain「無駄に」




The dancer’s injury prevented him from taking part in the competition, rendering his long hours of rehearsal in vain.




Its body and skin resemble the foliage and bark of its arboreal habitat, rendering it nearly invisible.




Its body and skin resemble the foliage and bark of its arboreal habitat,




rendering it nearly invisible.





Practical English Usage:“Participle clauses can also be used in similar ways to full adverbial clauses, expressing condition, reason, time relations, result etc.”(p. 383)




This capability is regulated by specialized skin cells that release pigments selectively, allowing the gecko to disguise itself more effectively.(= and it allows …)

These adaptations enable the leaf-tailed gecko to feed on prey, such as insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates, while minimizing the risk of being caught by carnivores.(= while they minimize …)

This lizard serves as an excellent example of the remarkable diversity of defense mechanisms present in nature, providing valuable insights into the interplay between animals and their environment.(= and it provides …)


ですが最後の文では、その前の文全体(the fact that this lizard serves as an excellent example of the remarkable diversity of defense mechanisms present in nature という感じ)が、分詞構文providingの主語になっている解釈することも可能です。


This lizard serves as an excellent example of the remarkable diversity of defense mechanisms present in nature, providing valuable insights into the interplay between animals and their environment.





» TOEFL Readingで文の構造が分からないときがある。文法力を高めるには何をしたらいい?



