

【改訂版】TOEFL単語力・文法力・背景知識増強パッセージ 5 “The Formation of the Hawaiian Archipelago”

“The Formation of the Hawaiian Archipelago” のパッセージに対する「単語リスト」「穴埋め問題」「パッセージ・問題の読み方(因果関係の表現)」の3つの記事を1つにまとめた改訂版です。すでに3つの記事を読まれた方にとってはまったく同じ内容になります。


TOEFLで出題されやすいトピック、使われやすい単語と文法表現を意識して作成したパッセージ その5と単語リストを紹介します。単語力、文法力、背景知識の向上にお役立てください。


» (その1)TOEFL単語力・文法力・背景知識増強パッセージ 1 “The Possibility of Life on Mars”

» (その2)TOEFL単語力・文法力・背景知識増強パッセージ 2 “Why Ancient Teotihuacán thrived”

» (その3)TOEFL単語力・文法力・背景知識増強パッセージ 3 “Defense Mechanisms of the Leaf-Tailed Gecko”

» (その4)TOEFL単語力・文法力・背景知識増強パッセージ 4 “The Origins of Opera”










The Formation of the Hawaiian Archipelago


The Hawaiian Islands are a volcanic archipelago located in the central Pacific Ocean. Their formation began over 4.5 million years ago as a result of a series of geological processes. The islands are situated on top of the Pacific Plate, which moves over a stationary hotspot of magma. As magma from the hotspot ascends to the plate’s surface, it gives rise to a shield volcano—a broad, gently inclined seamount that forms through the accumulation of lava flows.


Over time, the shield volcano penetrates the surface of the ocean, ultimately transforming into an island. As the Pacific Plate keeps moving, the hotspot creates another erupting volcano, which in turn results in the emergence of a new island. This process continues over millions of years, culminating in a chain of volcanic islands.


One of the unique features of the Hawaiian Islands is their location in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, considerably distant from any other landmasses. This isolation has led to the development of distinct ecosystems teeming with diverse flora and fauna found nowhere else in the world. The creation of the Hawaiian Islands is an ongoing geological phenomenon that perpetually influences the topography of the Pacific Ocean.


199 words









The Formation of the Hawaiian Archipelago


The Hawaiian Islands are a volcanic archipelago located in the central Pacific Ocean. Their formation began over 4.5 million years ago as a result of a series of geological processes. The islands are situated on top of the Pacific Plate, which moves over a stationary hotspot of magma. As magma from the hotspot ascends to the plate’s surface, it gives rise to a shield volcano—a broad, gently inclined seamount that forms through the accumulation of lava flows.


Hawaiian ハワイの、ハワイ人の、ハワイ語の
archipelago [発音注意]群島、列島
volcanic 火山の、火山が原因の、火山作用による
(be) located in ~に位置する、~にある
the central Pacific Ocean 太平洋(の)中央(部)
as a result of ~の結果として、~を受けて
a series of 一連の~、ひと続きの~
geological 地質の、地質学の[上の、に関する]
(be) situated 位置している、~の状態[境遇]にある
on top of ~の上(部)に
the Pacific Plate 太平洋プレート
stationary (物が)動かない、静止した、止まっている
hotspot ホットスポット
magma マグマ
ascend to 〜に上昇する[高く上がる]
plate (プレート・テクトニクス理論の)プレート(= tectonic plate)
surface 表面、面
give rise to ~を(引き)起こす[生じさせる]
shield volcano 盾状火山《楯を伏せたような形の、緩やかに傾斜する斜面を持つ底面積の広い火山》
broad (幅が)広い
gently 徐々に、なだらかに;穏やかに、優しく、親切に
inclined 傾いた、斜めになった、傾斜した
seamount 海山
accumulation 蓄積、集積
lava flow 溶岩流(lava「溶岩」)


Over time, the shield volcano penetrates the surface of the ocean, ultimately transforming into an island. As the Pacific Plate keeps moving, the hotspot creates another erupting volcano, which in turn results in the emergence of a new island. This process continues over millions of years, culminating in a chain of volcanic islands.


over time 長い期間をかけて、徐々に、時間と共に、時がたつにつれて = if something happens over time, it happens gradually during a long period
penetrate ~を突き通す[貫通する、貫く]
ultimately 最後に、最終的に
transform into ~に姿を変える、~に変わる
erupt (火山から溶岩が)噴出する;(火山が)噴火する、爆発する
volcano 火山
in turn 次に、今度は;その結果 = as a result of something in a series of events
result in (結果的に)~をもたらす、~につながる、~に終わる、〜という結果になる
emergence 出現、発生
culminate in ~で終わる、結果的に[最後が、ついに]~になる
a chain of 一連の~、~の連鎖


One of the unique features of the Hawaiian Islands is their location in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, considerably distant from any other landmasses. This isolation has led to the development of distinct ecosystems teeming with diverse flora and fauna found nowhere else in the world. The creation of the Hawaiian Islands is an ongoing geological phenomenon that perpetually influences the topography of the Pacific Ocean.


feature 特徴(付けるもの)、特性、特長
location 場所、位置、配置
in the middle of (空間的に)~の中央[真ん中]で[に]
considerably かなり、相当に、大幅に
(be) distant from ~から遠く離れている
landmass (= land mass)大陸;広大な土地
isolation 孤立(状態)、分離、隔離 = the fact that something is separate and not connected to other things
lead to [lead, led, led](物事が)~を引き起こす、~の原因となる、〜につながる
distinct (他のものと)まったく異なった[違った、区別できる];独特な = clearly different or belonging to a different type
ecosystem 生態系
teem with ~で満ちあふれている、〜でいっぱいである
diverse 多様な、それぞれ異なる
flora 植物相[区系] = all the plants that grow in a particular place or country
fauna 動物相[区系] = all the animals living in a particular area or period in history
ongoing 進行[継続・持続]している、現在進行中の
phenomenon [複数形はphenomena]現象、事象、出来事
perpetually 永久に、果てしなく、永続的に
topography 地形、地勢;地形図、地勢図 = the physical features of an area of land, especially the position of its rivers, mountains, etc.





What are volcanoes and how are they formed?(YouTube動画)





単語力・文法力増強 穴埋め問題5




The Formation of the Hawaiian 1) Ar     


The Hawaiian Islands are a 1)[2語]vol      ar      located in the central Pacific Ocean. Their formation began over 4.5 million years ago as a result of a 2) se      of geological 3) pro     . The islands are 4) sit      on top of the Pacific Plate, which moves over a 5) sta      hotspot of magma. As magma from the hotspot 6)[2語]asc            the plate’s surface, it gives 7)[2語]ri            a shield volcano—a broad, 8)[2語]gen      inc      seamount that forms through the 9) ac      of lava flows.


Over time, the shield volcano 10) pen      the surface of the ocean, ultimately 11)[2語]tra            an island. As the Pacific Plate keeps moving, the hotspot creates another 12)[2語]er     ing      , which in turn results in the 13) em      of a new island. This process continues over millions of years, 14)[2語]culm            a chain of volcanic islands.


One of the unique 15) fea      of the Hawaiian Islands is their 16) lo      in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 17)[2語]con     ly dis      from any other landmasses. This 18) iso      has led to the development of 19) dis      ecosystems 20)[2語]te     ing       diverse 21) fl      and 22) f      found nowhere else in the world. The creation of the Hawaiian Islands is an 23) on      geological 24) phe      that 25) per      influences the 26) topo      of the Pacific Ocean.



単語力・文法力増強 穴埋め問題5(正解・解説)


The Formation of the Hawaiian 1) Ar     


The Hawaiian Islands are a 1)[2語]vol      ar      located in the central Pacific Ocean. Their formation began over 4.5 million years ago as a result of a 2) se      of geological 3) pro     . The islands are 4) sit      on top of the Pacific Plate, which moves over a 5) sta      hotspot of magma. As magma from the hotspot 6)[2語]asc            the plate’s surface, it gives 7)[2語]ri            a shield volcano—a broad, 8)[2語]gen      inc      seamount that forms through the 9) ac      of lava flows.


1)volcanic archipelago「火山列島」

2)a series of 「一連の~、ひと続きの~」

3)processes:a series of の後に続く名詞は複数形になる。



6)ascends to「〜に上昇する[高く上がる]」

7)(gives) rise to「~を(引き)起こす[生じさせる]」

8)gently inclined「緩やかな傾斜のある」:


中にはa broad, gently inclined seamount が文法的にどのような構造になっているか迷う人がいるかも。そう思う人は、以下の文をどう思いますか?


① Mary is a supportive, open-minded teacher.
② The ducks swam lazily on the calm, silent lake
③ Jack is a talented, hard-working, ambitious musician.
④ The restaurant serves delicious, authentic, homemade food.


これらのように名詞の前に「似たタイプの」形容詞が連なるとき、その間にカンマを用いるのが一般的と言えます。上の ①と②では2つの形容詞、③と④では3つの形容詞の間にカンマが使われています。



①’ Mary is a supportive, highly open-minded teacher.
②’ The ducks swam lazily on the calm, peacefully silent lake.


a broad, gently inclined seamount も同じ構造です。



9)accumulation 「蓄積、集積」



Over time, the shield volcano 10) pen      the surface of the ocean, ultimately 11)[2語]tra            an island. As the Pacific Plate keeps moving, the hotspot creates another 12)[2語]er     ing      , which in turn results in the 13) em      of a new island. This process continues over millions of years, 14)[2語]culm            a chain of volcanic islands.



11)transforming into「~に姿を変える、~に変わる」:transform intoの前には接続詞(andなど)がないので、現在分詞の分詞構文(ing形)になります。

12)erupting volcano「噴火する火山」 :anotherとあるので volcanoを予測したいところ。


14)culminating in「~で終わる、結果的に[最後が、ついに]~になる」:11)transforming intoと同様にここも現在分詞の分詞構文になります。



One of the unique 15) fea      of the Hawaiian Islands is their 16) lo      in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, 17)[2語]con     ly dis      from any other landmasses. This 18) iso      has led to the development of 19) dis      ecosystems 20)[2語]te     ing       diverse 21) fl      and 22) f      found nowhere else in the world. The creation of the Hawaiian Islands is an 23) on      geological 24) phe      that 25) per      influences the 26) topo      of the Pacific Ocean.


15)features「特徴(付けるもの)、特性」:freatureにsがついていますか。one of the 〜「〜のうちのひとつ」の後には名詞の複数形が続きます。


17)considerably distant (from)「~からかなり離れた」 conspicuously「著しく、目立って」もここで使えます。



20)teeming with「~で満ちあふれている、〜でいっぱいである」:現在分詞(ing形)の形容詞的用法として後ろからecosystemsを修飾しています。

21)flora「植物相[区系]」22)fauna「動物相[区系]」:flora and fauna「動植物」(= plants and animals)とよくセットで使われます。




26)topography「地形、地勢;地形図、地勢図」= the physical features of an area of land, especially the position of its rivers, mountains, etc.







因果関係の表現とは、「原因 → 結果」または「結果 ← 原因」を意味する表現。




Smoking causes serious health problems.

The children’s field trip was canceled because of the heavy rain.


では cause、because ofという因果関係を意味する表現が使われ


Smoking(原因)  serious health problems(結果)

The children’s field trip was canceled(結果)  the heavy rain(原因)




では因果関係の表現のイメージが持てるようになったところで、 The Formation of the Hawaiian Archipelago のパッセージを読みながら causeやbecause of のような因果関係の表現を探してください。


The Formation of the Hawaiian Archipelago


The Hawaiian Islands are a volcanic archipelago located in the central Pacific Ocean. Their formation began over 4.5 million years ago as a result of a series of geological processes. The islands are situated on top of the Pacific Plate, which moves over a stationary hotspot of magma. As magma from the hotspot ascends to the plate’s surface, it gives rise to a shield volcano—a broad, gently inclined seamount that forms through the accumulation of lava flows.


Over time, the shield volcano penetrates the surface of the ocean, ultimately transforming into an island. As the Pacific Plate keeps moving, the hotspot creates another erupting volcano, which in turn results in the emergence of a new island. This process continues over millions of years, culminating in a chain of volcanic islands.


One of the unique features of the Hawaiian Islands is their location in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, considerably distant from any other landmasses. This isolation has led to the development of distinct ecosystems teeming with diverse flora and fauna found nowhere else in the world. The creation of the Hawaiian Islands is an ongoing geological phenomenon that perpetually influences the topography of the Pacific Ocean.


199 words







The Formation of the Hawaiian Archipelago


The Hawaiian Islands are a volcanic archipelago located in the central Pacific Ocean. Their formation began over 4.5 million years ago 1) as a result of a series of geological processes. The islands are situated on top of the Pacific Plate, which moves over a stationary hotspot of magma. As magma from the hotspot ascends to the plate’s surface, it 2) gives rise to a shield volcano—a broad, gently inclined seamount that forms through the accumulation of lava flows.


Over time, the shield volcano penetrates the surface of the ocean, ultimately transforming into an island. As the Pacific Plate keeps moving, the hotspot creates another erupting volcano, which 3) in turn 4) results in the emergence of a new island. This process continues over millions of years, 5) culminating in a chain of volcanic islands.


One of the unique features of the Hawaiian Islands is their location in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, considerably distant from any other landmasses. This isolation has 6) led to the development of distinct ecosystems teeming with diverse flora and fauna found nowhere else in the world. The creation of the Hawaiian Islands is an ongoing geological phenomenon that perpetually influences the topography of the Pacific Ocean.




1)as a result  of「~の結果として、~を受けて」

Their formation began over 4.5 million years ago as a result of a series of geological processes.


A as a result of B で A ← B の関係を表します。


a series of geological processes「一連の地質プロセス」(原因)→ their formation began over 4.5 million years ago「ハワイ諸島の形成が450万年前に始まった」(結果)

どのような a series of geological processes かはその後に具体的に説明される流れになっています。


2)give rise to「~を(引き)起こす[生じさせる]」

As magma from the hotspot ascends to the plate’s surface, it gives rise to a shield volcano—a broad, gently inclined seamount that forms through the accumulation of lava flows.


A give rise to B で A → B の関係を表します。


it (= magma) 「(ホットスポットからプレートの表面へと上昇した)マグマ」(原因)→ a shield volcano「盾状火山」(結果)


3) in turn「次に、今度は;その結果」

4) result in「(結果的に)~をもたらす、~につながる、~に終わる、〜という結果になる」

As the Pacific Plate keeps moving, the hotspot creates another erupting volcano, which in turn results in the emergence of a new island.


A in turn B で A → B の関係を表します。

A result in B で A → B の関係を表します。


which (= the hotspot creates another erupting volcano)「ホットスポットが別の噴火する火山を作ったこと」(原因)→ the emergence of a new island「新しい島の出現」(結果)


ここでの関係代名詞のwhichの先行詞は、前の文全体になっています(another erupting volcanoが先行詞と考えてもいいですが)。ところで


「in turnはresult inと意味的に重なるなら不要なのでは?」


と思った方、そのとおりです。in turn、result in ともに A → B の因果関係を表す表現であり redundantになっているとも言えます。しかし in turnは純粋な因果関係の表現ではなく「次に、今度は」という順番を意味する表現でもあるので、完全にかぶっているということでもありません。in turnはなくてもいい表現ではあるものの、因果関係を意味するin turnを紹介したかったので、パッセージに入れることにしました。


5) culminate in「~で終わる、結果的に[最後が、ついに]~になる

This process continues over millions of years, culminating in a chain of volcanic islands.


A culminate in B で A → B の関係を表します。


This process continues over millions of years「このプロセスが何百万年以上も続く」(原因)→ a chain of volcanic islands「新しい島の出現」(結果)

culminate inは難しめの表現であり、因果関係を表すとは考えなかった人は多いはず。cause, result in, give rise to, lead to , contribute toのような代表的な因果関係の表現でもありませんし。しかし「意味的に」因果関係を示す表現があって、そこが問題に問われている場合は、何が原因、結果になっているかを意識しましょう。


6) lead to「(物事が)~を引き起こす、~の原因となる、〜につながる」

This isolation has led to the development of distinct ecosystems teeming with diverse flora and fauna found nowhere else in the world.


A lead to B で A → B の関係を表します。


This isolation「(太平洋の真ん中に位置し、他の大陸からかなり離れた場所にある)この孤立」(原因)→  the development of distinct ecosystems teeming with diverse flora and fauna found nowhere else in the world「世界の他のどこにも見られない多様な動植物が生息する独自の生態系の発展」(結果)





先ほど確認した以下の as a result of, result inが使われた2つの文ですが


Their formation began over 4.5 million years ago as a result of a series of geological processes.

(As the Pacific Plate keeps moving,) the hotspot creates another erupting volcano, which in turn results in the emergence of a new island.




Children learn better as a result of positive encouragement from teachers and parents.

Reading a variety of books expands one’s knowledge and perspective, which results in personal growth and intellectual development.




Reading a variety of books expands one’s knowledge and perspective, which results in personal growth and intellectual development.




Reading a variety of books expands one’s knowledge and perspective, resulting in personal growth and intellectual development.






» TOEFL単語力・文法力・背景知識増強パッセージ 3 “Defense Mechanisms of the Leaf-Tailed Gecko”





