【改訂版】TOEFL Writing:このエッセイ、評価点何点?
TOEFLのIndependent Writingにおいてどのようなエッセイがよい評価を得やすいか様々な意見が語られますが、ブログ上にエッセイを表示し、そのエッセイに対して本試験のWriting採点官がどの評価点(5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0)をつけるか、そしてその評価点をつけた理由を伝えます。
ただ私としては皆さんの考えを知りたいので、以下のIndependent Writingのエッセイを読んだ後、皆さんの評価をお知らせいただけますでしょうか。
今回のエッセイは 5、4、3の3つの評価点から選んでいただきます(評価点2、1、0は候補から外します)。
このエッセイは以前Independent Writingエッセイの無料添削行ったとき、エッセイをブログ等に掲載する可能性を承諾の上、提出いただいたもの。ですのでこちらは実際にTOEFL受験者の方が書いています。
Independent Writingの評価方法を確認したい方は以下のリンク先の記事、またはRubrics「評価基準」をご確認ください。
» TOEFL Writing:評価基準 5点、4点、3点 の違い を説明します!
Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Compared to people who live in large cities, people who live in small towns and rural areas are more satisfied with their lives.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
The nature of small town is substantially beautiful, so some people may tend to prefer to live in a small town. However, students should live in a large city because their English grade will be more likely to be enhanced. As a result, these students are more satisfied with their lives rather than those who live in a rural area.
First, large city will augment the students’ study time. To enhance English fluency, students must memorize an immense number of vocabularies and grammar rules, so learning English is time consuming. In a rural area, many students will utilize bus, but buses do not run on a frequent interval because of fewer population in a rural area. Consequently, the students will waste myriad of time to go to school or home. On the other hand, in a large city, bus will much more frequently arrive at the station because the number of passengers is significantly larger than that of rural areas. In addition, students can utilize the alternative transportation such as train and taxi if buses are stopped by weather condition. Therefore, large city can curtail the nonproductive time to enhance their English skills. As a result, these students can invest their time to study English, so it is feasible for these students to augment their English skills and the satisfaction about their lives.
Second, large city will increase students’ motivation to study. Since almost all students prefer to use their time on leisure, they tend to prioritize playing to studying. Consequently, it is difficult for them to maintain high motivation to study. If these students live in the rural areas, since there are lot of leisure activities such as a field camp or fishing, they cannot concentrate on their studying. On the other hand, there are few leisure activities places in the large city because of high price of real estate, so these students’ motivation to study English will increase. These high motivated students are more likely to study after school. As a result, their English grade and satisfaction about their lives are enhance by living in the large city.
Third, large city will reduce the students’ expenditure of studying English. To learn English grammar, students have to take myriad of English classes because English grammar is unfamiliar to them. Consequently, students must have to go to the cram school besides a lot of English class, and it is expensive for these students to enhance their English ability. In this situation, if the students live in the rural area, since there are few studying facilities such as some libraries or bookstores, these students have to commute to some large city to utilize the good studying facilities. On the other hand, there are lot of high end libraries or book stores, so these students are easily to get brand new information without any cost. As a result, since large city enables these students to save their budget, they can spend their money on studying English knowledge. Therefore, it is feasible for these students to augment their English fluency and satisfaction about their lives.
Those reasons I mentioned above, I believe that students should live in a large city because their English grade will be more likely to be enhanced, and these students are more satisfied with their lives.
547 words
皆さんにIndependent Writingのエッセイ1本を読んで評価点を判断していただきました。Twitterの投票結果は以下の通り。
リンク先:https://t.co/8VVLcNn2OI の(または次のツイで表示される)TOEFL Independent Writingのエッセイを読んで、評価点をつけてください。評価はエッセイを読んだ方のみお願いいたします。
— TOEFL iBT対策情報(オンライン TOEFL対策 トフレ!TOFURE) (@webtoefl) August 28, 2021
今回のこのようなことを行ったのは、最近 Listeningコースをお申込みいただいた方からWritingに関して以下の内容の相談をいただいたから。
この2つは必ずしも正しいとは言えません。Independent Writingにおいて
とにかく語数を増やそう、難しい表現を使おうとしてもIndependent Writingの評価は上がらないことが多い
(Integrated Writingに対する評価はIndependentと大きく異なる部分があるのでここでは触れません)
皆さんに評価していただいたエッセイの語数は550語くらいとかなり多いものでしたが、本試験TOEFL Writing採点官の評価は3です。
TOEFL Writingの採点官の人は、弊社スタッフでもあるのですが、ETSから採点官として高い評価を受けており信頼を寄せています。
(ちなみに弊社の他のIndependent Writing添削ネイティブスタッフの評価も私の評価も3です)
なぜ本試験の採点官がトフレのスタッフにいるのかと思われるかもしれませんが、その昔、アメリカ人スタッフにTOEFL Writingの採点官の仕事に応募してもらったから。採用合格後、研修内容から採点官の仕事の詳細まですべて報告を受けています。
I do not believe it has a chance of earning a 4. While the length is there, too many issues with language and reasoning inhibit this essay from rising out of the 3 range.
-但し、First …, Consequently …, On the other hand, …, As a result, …と、ガチガチに固め過ぎですね。
-いきなり、『Students should live in a large city because …』は流石に与えられた設問への回答としては、論理飛躍があるように感じます。
-また、First, Second, Thirdで書かれていることも一般論と言うよりは、日本の特有の事情に基づいて書かれているように感じます。
-なので、最初に『In Japan, …』みたいな書き出しだとより良いのかなと。
Question: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Compared to people who live in large cities, people who live in small towns and rural areas are more satisfied with their lives.
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
547 words
The nature of small town is substantially beautiful, so some people may tend to prefer to live in a small town. However, students should live in a large city because their English grade will be more likely to be enhanced. As a result, these students are more satisfied with their lives rather than those who live in a rural area.
First, large city will augment the students’ study time. To enhance English fluency, students must memorize an immense number of vocabularies and grammar rules, so learning English is time consuming. In a rural area, many students will utilize bus, but buses do not run on a frequent interval because of fewer population in a rural area. Consequently, the students will waste myriad of time to go to school or home. On the other hand, in a large city, bus will much more frequently arrive at the station because the number of passengers is significantly larger than that of rural areas. In addition, students can utilize the alternative transportation such as train and taxi if buses are stopped by weather condition. Therefore, large city can curtail the nonproductive time to enhance their English skills. As a result, these students can invest their time to study English, so it is feasible for these students to augment their English skills and the satisfaction about their lives.
Second, large city will increase students’ motivation to study. Since almost all students prefer to use their time on leisure, they tend to prioritize playing to studying. Consequently, it is difficult for them to maintain high motivation to study. If these students live in the rural areas, since there are lot of leisure activities such as a field camp or fishing, they cannot concentrate on their studying. On the other hand, there are few leisure activities places in the large city because of high price of real estate, so these students’ motivation to study English will increase. These high motivated students are more likely to study after school. As a result, their English grade and satisfaction about their lives are enhance by living in the large city.
Third, large city will reduce the students’ expenditure of studying English. To learn English grammar, students have to take myriad of English classes because English grammar is unfamiliar to them. Consequently, students must have to go to the cram school besides a lot of English class, and it is expensive for these students to enhance their English ability. In this situation, if the students live in the rural area, since there are few studying facilities such as some libraries or bookstores, these students have to commute to some large city to utilize the good studying facilities. On the other hand, there are lot of high end libraries or book stores, so these students are easily to get brand new information without any cost. As a result, since large city enables these students to save their budget, they can spend their money on studying English knowledge. Therefore, it is feasible for these students to augment their English fluency and satisfaction about their lives.
Those reasons I mentioned above, I believe that students should live in a large city because their English grade will be more likely to be enhanced, and these students are more satisfied with their lives.
I do not believe it has a chance of earning a 4. While the length is there, too many issues with language and reasoning inhibit this essay from rising out of the 3 range.
There is an accumulation of repeated awkward word choices, incorrect word forms, and language errors that alone will keep this essay in the 3 range.
例えば、このエッセイでは “small town”, “large city”, “bus” という表現が多く見られますが、これらのcountable noun「数えられる名詞」は一般的には、単数形でつかうならaやtheといった冠詞をつけたり、複数形にしなければでなりません。
-但し、First …, Consequently …, On the other hand, …, As a result, …と、ガチガチに固め過ぎですね。
各段落の冒頭を First, Second, Third で始めるのは全く問題ありません。ETSが評価点5のサンプルとして提示するものでもFirst, Second, Thirdはよく使われます。
ただ、このエッセイはご指摘のように Consequently, … On the other hand, … Therefore, … As a result, … という転換語がどの段落でも使われています。ここは気になった方が多いかも。
-いきなり、『Students should live in a large city because …』は流石に与えられた設問への回答としては、論理飛躍があるように感じます。
Remember to connect your opinion and the reasons that support it directly to the prompt. The disconnect between your improved English grades and a more satisfying life should either be made more clear or modified to be more general (better grades = better life) to allow for reasoning that could be more easily followed by the reader.
I want to mention that this essay is about comparing the lives of people who live in large cities to those in rural areas but all three of your arguments are about students and studying, which is repetitive. Therefore, I recommend that you keep one argument about students and change the other two to focus on different aspects of city life, such as accessibility.
以下、Official GuideのWritingセクション説明にあるETSからの警告。
Similarly, do not use memorized sentences and examples in the body of your essay. Extended stretches of memorized text do not represent the writer’s true academic writing skills. Responses that include memorized examples, arguments, or formulaic references to sources will receive considerably lower scores than essays containing the writer’s own words.
» 改訂版 TOEFL Official Guide(6th Edition)の変更点詳細 その4「Writing概要」
-また、First, Second, Thirdで書かれていることも一般論と言うよりは、日本の特有の事情に基づいて書かれているように感じます。
-なので、最初に『In Japan, …』みたいな書き出しだとより良いのかなと。
First, large city will augment the students’ study time.
To enhance English fluency, students must memorize an immense number of vocabularies and grammar rules, so learning English is time consuming.
In a rural area, many students will utilize bus, but buses do not run on a frequent interval because of fewer population in a rural area.
Consequently, the students will waste myriad of time to go to school or home.
When you talk about students who live in rural areas, you say that they do not use their commuting time well but you do not explain why. I find this point rather confusing and hard to follow because if a student takes a bus in a rural area, they should have plenty of time to study.
ただし、① 机に向かっての学習ではないので学習の効率が下がる、② 通学時間が長いと疲れて家での学習がしにくい、③ 電車やバスの中では混んでいたり、うるさいので集中が困難、などの説明があり、その後、その内容をサポートする個人的な経験の具体例があれば分かりやすいエッセイになります。
On the other hand, in a large city, bus will much more frequently arrive at the station because the number of passengers is significantly larger than that of rural areas. In addition, students can utilize the alternative transportation such as train and taxi if buses are stopped by weather condition.
buses, trains, taxisと複数にしなければなりません。日本語は英語ほど単数・複数にこだわらないので、皆さんはあまり気にならないかもしれませんが、注意したいところ。少しならいいのですが多く目につくと減点につながる恐れがあります。
Incorrect word forms are used consistently in this body paragraph, which is something that cannot be ignored by a rater as a minor error. For example, “bus will” requires the word form to be “busses”.
Therefore, large city can curtail the nonproductive time to enhance their English skills. As a result, these students can invest their time to study English, so it is feasible for these students to augment their English skills and the satisfaction about their lives.
ただここでの難しめの表現 augment, myriad of は繰り返し使われているのでネガティブな評価につながる恐れがあります。以下、採点官からのコメントです。
Try to avoid using the same higher-level vocabulary terms repeatedly throughout your essay, as they stand out and are distracting when used repeatedly. For example, the words “myriad” and “augment”. Use synonyms or alternative phrases instead.
確かにこのエッセイは、論理的な説得力は無視すれば、英文としてよく書けているところも多くあります。しかしだからこそ評価点3が取れたとも言え、このような話の展開でWriting力がもっと低かったら、同じくらいの語数で評価点2もあり得ます。なので単に語数が多ければ、難しい表現が使えていればIndependent Writingで高得点が取れるとは考えないでください。
You’ve written an impressively long essay, including three developed body paragraphs. However, there is an accumulation of repeated awkward word choices, incorrect word forms, and language errors that alone will keep this essay in the 3 range. One recommendation is to keep your body paragraphs to two and use that extra time to craft better quality paragraphs.
Further, remember to connect your opinion and the reasons that support it directly to the prompt. The disconnect between your improved English grades and a more satisfying life should either be made more clear or modified to be more general (better grades = better life) to allow for reasoning that could be more easily followed by the reader.
Writingセクションでは、Integrated、Independent 合計2本のエッセイがそれぞれ人間の採点官とe-raterというAIによって評価されます。
e-raterは人間の採点官とは異なり「内容や意味」の判断はできず、「言語的な特徴」(grammar, usage, mechanics, style and organization, and development)を精査するとされています。
Independent Writingにおいては300語をいくらか超えたくらいでもe-raterから評価点4は取れます。
以上、Independent Writingの評価に関して記事を書きましたが、皆さんがどこかで習ったり、読んだり、聞いたものと異なるかもしれません。